When buying a house you dont want to create your comfort zone, you want to buy your comfort zone. Here are some tips for pain patients buying a home. Save you energy pennies for yourself not your new home that could be a money pit.
- Check to see if the home is chronically ill. Have a home inspection done – Look for a home that doesn’t need a lot of repair upon move-in. Just like many chronic pain diseases, homes can have hidden symptoms below the surface. If it looks rickety or old, it probably is. You can request specality inspections such as for water quality and pressure, air quailty, and mold.
- Look for low maintenance flooring – tile/wood that is smooth so you have less falls or on a scooter, crutches they dont get caught.
- Find out if water system can handle foot levers to turn water off and on at the sinks.
- Check the kitchen for convenience. Is there the ability to mount the microwave on the lower cabinets for easy reach, Can the stove be replaced with a low counter version, can counter-tops be lowered for those in wheelchairs.
- Watch your step: look for ranch style homes (no steps) that allow for easy access and movability in a wheelchair with little or no stairs.
- Have the house inspected for mold. As mold is not only unsightly and foul-smelling, but it can also can exacerbate health problems. Most importantly look in the bathrooms and kitchen, but dont forget less seen locations like the basement and attic.
- Check on the land the building is on. Don’t just look at the building — examine the area around it. Is the house in an area prone to flooding or wildfires? Is the driveway shared with another property? If there are fences, have they been built and positioned properly? It’s a lot to take in, but when you buy a house, you can’t ignore its surroundings. Is the yard going to take a lot of maintenance.
Get your hands on everything – taste the water, turn on every faucet and light switch, open every window and door, flush the toilets.
by Ken Taylor and Barby Ingle
I never thought about how people with chronic illness might have different needs when it comes to homes. I like that you talked about how a ranch style home might be best for these people in case they ever need a wheelchair. It does seem like a good idea to find a home close to a hospital as well.
I enjoyed reading the tips for buying a home when you are living with chronic pain. They tips will be very helpful for us. Great information!