Home Chronic Pain Stress Management for Chronic Pain Sufferers During a Move

Stress Management for Chronic Pain Sufferers During a Move

by Barby Ingle

Are you moving soon? Moving to a new home can be a stressful experience for anyone, but the challenges are amplified for individuals with chronic pain. Managing stress becomes crucial to prevent worsening pain symptoms and ensure a smooth transition.

Reasons Why Hiring Movers Can Be Beneficial for Chronic Pain Sufferers

Relocating can be physically demanding, exacerbating chronic pain symptoms. Hiring professional movers, such as SMARTBOX, provides significant relief for chronic pain sufferers:

Physical Assistance

Chronic pain sufferers often experience limitations in their physical capabilities, making it difficult to engage in strenuous activities like lifting heavy furniture or boxes. Hiring professional movers can provide the physical assistance needed during a move. These experts are trained to handle the heavy lifting, taking the burden off the individual with chronic pain.

Efficient Packing To Lower Stress

Packing can be overwhelming and time-consuming, especially for chronic pain patients with reduced stamina and increased sensitivity to physical exertion. Professional movers have the expertise and experience to pack and organize belongings efficiently. They can assess the items and determine the most appropriate packing techniques, ensuring that fragile items are adequately protected and that space is utilized optimally.

Stress Reduction

Moving to a new home involves numerous logistical challenges, including coordinating schedules, managing transportation, and ensuring the safe transfer of belongings. These added responsibilities can increase stress levels for individuals with chronic pain, exacerbating pain symptoms. By hiring movers, chronic pain sufferers can delegate the logistics of the move to experts who specialize in managing these tasks.

How Movers Will Take Away Stressors Relating to a Move

Movers alleviate stress by managing logistics, packing, and transportation, allowing individuals to focus on self-care during a move.

Organization and Coordination

When it comes to moving, organization and coordination are key to a successful transition. Professional movers excel in these areas, taking charge of the logistical aspects of the move. They have the expertise to create a well-structured plan that ensures a smooth and efficient transition from the old residence to the new one.

Packing and Unpacking

One of the most time-consuming and physically demanding tasks during a move is packing and unpacking belongings. These activities can be particularly challenging for individuals with chronic pain and lead to increased pain symptoms. Professional movers offer a valuable service by handling the packing and unpacking process. They come equipped with the necessary supplies and techniques to pack belongings efficiently, ensuring they are secure and protected during transportation.

Transport and Setup

The physical exertion of lifting and transporting heavy furniture and boxes can be overwhelming for individuals with chronic pain. By hiring professional movers, chronic pain sufferers can avoid unnecessary physical exertion and potential injury. Movers are skilled in the proper techniques for lifting and maneuvering bulky items, ensuring their safe transport. Additionally, once at the new residence, the movers can assist with setting up furniture and arranging belongings according to the individual’s preferences.

How to Relax After Moving

After a move’s physical and mental exertion, it’s crucial to prioritize relaxation for a smoother transition.

Connect with Loved Ones

Reach out to friends and family for support, companionship, and distractions from the stress of the move.

Join Support Groups

Engage with local or online support groups for chronic pain sufferers to share experiences, find understanding, and receive emotional support.

Engage in Hobbies

Focus on activities that bring joy and diversion, such as reading, painting, gardening, or listening to music.

Practice Mindfulness

Incorporate mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, to center yourself and reduce stress.

Create a Calming Environment

Ensure your bedroom is conducive to relaxation, with minimal noise, comfortable bedding, and appropriate lighting.

Prioritize Sleep Hygiene

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, avoid stimulating activities before bedtime, and practice relaxation techniques to improve the quality of your sleep.

Low Impact Exercise

Engage in regular walks to improve circulation, release endorphins, and manage pain symptoms. Start with shorter distances and gradually increase as tolerated.


Swimming provides a low-impact workout that reduces strain on joints, muscles, and the spine. Consult a healthcare professional to ensure safety and find suitable swimming programs for chronic pain management.

Therapy with Professionals

Consider therapy or counseling sessions with professionals specializing in chronic pain management. They can offer valuable strategies for coping with stress, pain, and emotional challenges during the move.


Moving can be daunting for chronic pain sufferers. Still, it is possible to navigate the process with reduced physical and emotional strain by adopting effective stress management techniques. Hiring professional movers, practicing relaxation techniques, maintaining social connections, and engaging in appropriate exercises are essential to stress management during a move. Prioritizing self-care and seeking support will help chronic pain sufferers transition to their new homes with greater ease and well-being.


Published by International Pain Foundation, Team iPain, iPain Blog

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