Home Chronic Pain Wardrobe and Back Pain: The Best and Worst Clothing for Back Health

Wardrobe and Back Pain: The Best and Worst Clothing for Back Health

by Barby Ingle

Approximately 80 percent of people will deal with back pain at some point in their lives. Thankfully, many cases are preventable – and nearly all are treatable. In fact, for some cases, treatment is as easy as changing one’s wardrobe. While this won’t work for extreme, acute pain, adjusting the weight and placement of garments and accessories can work wonders in the long run. Not only will such adjustments relieve chronic back pain, they can prevent back pain by strengthening muscles and improving one’s posture.

Shoe Height

High heels can cause serious back problems in people who wear them too often. While the shoes are meant to improve one’s posture by pushing the hips forward and accentuating one’s legs, butt, and height, this simply confers an aesthetic benefit. This same mechanism puts stress on the lower back. Since the wearer’s hips shift unnaturally, their spine will be hyper-arched. Eventually it can become pinched, causing severe back pain and conditions like sciatica. This is why many doctors advise against the prolonged use of high heels.

However, the solution is not to switch to flat shoes. These offer little support and can thus cause similar back problems. Sneakers are the best footwear for people who wish to relieve or prevent back complications. If a person can’t part with high heels entirely, they should save them for special occasions.

Purse Weight

It’s not just footwear that contributes to back problems. Accessories can be the sole cause for back pain if they are worn incorrectly. For instance, single-strap purses cause uneven weight distribution and force a single body part (neck, shoulder, or spine) to take the brunt of the load. Also, handbags and purses are often overloaded, which causes back stress no matter how many straps they have. People who wish to alleviate back pain should either lighten their loads or switch to smaller accessories. There are tons of light and fashionable handbags for sale that will soothe your back as well as your bank account.

Jean Size

Although their ill affects aren’t as publicized, skinny jeans can be just as conducive to back pain as high heels. Tight clothing is restricting – jeans are no different. If they’re too tight, they can put pressure on legs, hips, and the lower back. Too much pressure on these body parts will cause restricted mobility, which will force a person to walk in a manner that strains one’s back. Therefore, people with back issues are advised by experts to switch to looser-fitting jeans. Don’t worry: looser clothing can still be fashionable and accentuate one’s best features, especially hybrid jean styles like boot-cut.

Many people don’t consider how their wardrobe affects their back. If a person has back problems, and high heels, skinny jeans, and hefty purses are essential parts of their attire, these fashion choices may be to blame. Switching to sneakers, light handbags, and loose-fitting jeans may be the only pain relief treatment this person needs.

By Chrissy Phillips

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