Home Chronic Pain How To Stick to New Years Resolutions regarding Health & Wellness

How To Stick to New Years Resolutions regarding Health & Wellness

by Barby Ingle

How To Stick to New Years’ Resolutions regarding Health & Wellness as the new year approaches and we look towards the future, many make resolutions to become a “new” and improved version of themselves. These resolutions include improving our health through diet and exercise or losing weight. However, sticking to these resolutions and making lasting changes can be challenging. Here are a few tips for making this year’s resolutions stick:


1. Start a behavior


It is generally easier to adopt a new behavior than to stop an existing one. Therefore, it may be more effective to focus on starting a specific, positive behavior rather than trying to eliminate an undesirable one. For example, if your goal is to eat healthier, try setting a plan to increase your fruit and vegetable intake rather than simply trying to avoid processed foods or sugar. This approach may give you a better chance of success.


2. Set attainable objectives


To increase the chances of success, it is essential to set sustainable and achievable goals in the long term. For example, rather than trying a fad diet that may not be sustainable, consider focusing on a plan such as mindful eating, which involves making conscious and sustainable food choices and how and when you eat. This goal is more likely to be sustainable and lead to lasting behavior change.


3. Be precise but adaptable


To increase the chances of success, it is essential to set specific, actionable, and realistic goals that are well-defined and achievable. For example, instead of making a broad resolution to “exercise more,” try setting a specific plan to walk for 20 minutes daily. This provides a clear and achievable target to work towards. However, it is also essential to be flexible and willing to adjust your goals if necessary. For example, if 20 minutes of exercise per day is not feasible, consider reducing your plan to 15 minutes per day. This can help you avoid feeling frustrated and increase your chances of success. Remember to be flexible and forgiving with yourself as well.


4. Identify Challenges


To increase your chances of success with your resolutions, it is crucial to identify potential obstacles that may prevent you from achieving your goals. These obstacles may be physical, such as a lack of time, or emotional, such as fear. By identifying these obstacles right from the start, you can better plan and strategize to overcome them and increase your chances of success.


Some questions you might consider asking yourself include:

  • What specific things make it difficult for me to stick to my resolution?
  • What are the underlying reasons for these challenges?
  • What resources or support do I need to overcome these obstacles?
  • What strategies can I use to overcome these challenges and stay on track with my resolution?


By answering these questions, you can better understand the obstacles you may be facing and develop a plan to overcome them. This can increase your chances of success and help you achieve your goals.


5. Set Reminders


To help you stay focused on your resolution, give yourself regular reminders. This can keep your goal fresh in your mind and prevent it from getting lost among the other demands and distractions of daily life. Some ways to give yourself reminders include:

  • Posting notes on your refrigerator door or bathroom mirror
  • Setting regular reminders on your phone or computer
  • Using a planner or calendar to track your progress
  • Sharing your goal with a friend or accountability partner who can help you stay motivated


By regularly reminding yourself of your resolution, you can stay on track and increase your chances of success.


Hotworx is a company that offers a unique fitness program that is virtually instructed and designed to help people achieve their health and fitness goals. One of the benefits of Hotworx is that it provides a convenient and flexible way to exercise. With Hotworx, you can access a variety of workouts from the comfort of your home. This means you can fit exercise into your schedule no matter how busy you are.


Another benefit of Hotworx is that it offers a wide range of workout options to suit different fitness levels and preferences. Whether you’re just starting or are an experienced athlete, Hotworx has a workout that’s right for you. The variety of activities means you won’t get bored and will be more likely to stick with the program.

Author: Brittany Cotton

Published by International Pain Foundation, iPain Blog, Team iPain

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