Home Chronic Pain Can CBD Be Used for Pain Management During Labor?

Can CBD Be Used for Pain Management During Labor?

by Barby Ingle

Can CBD Be Used for Pain Management During Labor?

CBD is seemingly everywhere these days. Proponents love its ability to promote relaxation, ease tension and anxiety, promote better sleep, and reduce pain. The effectiveness of CBD for specific ailments likely depends on many factors, including the method of consumption, and more research is needed to confirm the benefits of CBD.

It turns out that plenty of researchers are eager to fill that need. One of the latest questions some researchers are trying to answer is whether CBD can be used to manage labor pain. Far from being a novel idea, the concept is backed by many alternative birth workers and a long history of cannabis being used in childbirth dating back to ancient societies.

So, what is the current understanding of CBD for pain management during labor? Keep reading to find out.

What is CBD?

CBD vs. Marijuana

First, it’s important to understand what CBD is and how it differs from other substances derived from cannabis. CBD stands for Cannabidiol and is derived from the hemp plant, a “cousin” of the marijuana plant. This makes the effects of CBD different from what most people call marijuana or cannabis.


Unlike those substances, CBD does not get a person “high” when consumed. This is because CBD does not contain THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana/cannabis. However, it does have some of the benefits of THC-containing substances, ranging from pain reduction and anti-inflammation to anti-anxiety and anti-nausea effects.

CBD and the law

The U.S. Farm Bill made hemp-derived products legal. This means that CBD is also legal. You may have already seen CBD readily available in stores around your town, in everything from topical products to beverages and gummy candies.


Now that you understand some CBD basics let’s look at the current research on CBD and labor pain.

Can CBD be used for labor pain management?

There is abundant scientific evidence that CBD can effectively treat certain medical conditions, particularly reducing seizures caused by severe childhood epilepsy. Other potential health benefits have been confirmed by animal studies or self-reported by human users, including reducing or helping with:


  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic pain
  • Addiction, particularly with tobacco and possibly stimulants and opiates


Recently, the CBD community has turned its attention to whether the relaxing and pain-reducing effects of CBD could help reduce labor pain. The idea isn’t new: cannabis and hemp have an ancient history of use in medicine, including childbirth, across many regions, including the Middle East and China. Below are the essential modern findings, including potential benefits and risks.

CBD can reduce nausea and pain

One of the essential uses of medical marijuana has been to reduce nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. CBD has the same antiemetic properties, implying that it can help suppress nausea and vomiting associated with early labor. The other major symptom of labor – painful cramping – can also be reduced by CBD, according to many users.

Many reports focus on topical or external methods of consumption.

It’s important to note that much of the evidence on using CBD during labor and childbirth is anecdotal. Among these anecdotes, many users report using topical ointments or CBD-infused bath bombs instead of ingesting CBD through beverages or gummies. This may prevent the CBD from entering the bloodstream and thus expose the baby to any potential adverse effects.


However, some users report taking CBD orally through tinctures or distillate pills before and during labor. Some reports also mention applying CBD oil vaginally.

CBD may prevent unnecessary C-sections

One benefit often reported is CBD’s potential to induce and accelerate labor, potentially reducing the need to perform a C-section. Many medications currently used to generate or accelerate have serious side effects. One such drug, Pitocin, can speed up labor so much that it necessitates a C-section to ensure the baby is delivered safely. For many, CBD may be a safer option.

CBD for labor and childbirth may carry some risks

Many proponents of CBD for labor and childbirth report that it carries fewer risks and side effects than many medications currently used in hospitals. However, some have brought up potential risks unique to CBD.


One concern is that CBD consumption may lead to a positive drug test, which may cause the baby to be temporarily removed from the parent’s custody.


Another concern is the potential for adverse effects on the baby. While there is little research on this particular issue, High Times mentions one study that showed that cannabis could reduce oxygen in the blood, which could affect the fetus’s health.

CBD is not widely recommended in the medical community

The medical community has not been as vocal about CBD for labor and childbirth as CBD users and alternative birth workers such as doulas. While this does not mean that CBD doesn’t have benefits during labor and childbirth, it underscores the need for more medical research.

Consult a health professional

With more research, CBD may prove to be a major improvement in treating pain and other symptoms associated with labor and childbirth. Many people already insist that it is a safe and healthy choice.


However, neither this article nor any other anecdotes of CBD use for labor should be taken as medical advice. Always consult your doctor before trying any labor pain or nausea treatment. In the meantime, researchers will hopefully uncover more of the benefits of CBD use in the medical field.

Published by: International Pain Foundation, iPain Blog, TeamiPain

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