Home Chronic Pain A Life of Migraine

A Life of Migraine

by Barby Ingle
iPain Patient Advocate - Judy Flanagan

June 2018, I participated in Migraine and Headache Awareness. I have lived with Migraine for 31 years. My life changed forever  back in 1987 when I experienced symptoms that I was later told was Migraine. I was also told that when I received glasses for my poor eye sight that my Migraines would go away. Well I have news for the doctor that told me that. Guess what — that never happened.

Over the years I have suffered many symptoms of which have included: Abdominal pain, Allodynia, Aphasia, Aura, Balance issues, Blurred vision, body aches and pains, Brain Fog, Confusion, Constant yawning, Dizziness, Ear pain, Exhaustion, Facial swelling, Fatigue, Fevers, Hot and cold flushes, Hyperosmia, Increased Bp, Increased urination, Jaw pain, Lethargy, Loss of appetite, Moodiness, Muscle weakness, Osmophobia, Paleness, Parasthesia, Phonophobia, Photophobia, Pulsating pain, Sleepiness, Slurred speech, Spinning head inside, Stiff neck, Temple pain, Throbbing stabbing pain, Vertigo, Vomiting

I have also had days with family or friends lost due to migraine attacks. I have had days lost while learning at an educational institution and having to leave due to nasty symptoms. I have had many hospital visits and even had a doctor in my younger days who would visit me where I lived because I was too ill to be moved or even get to the hospital. I could never thank him enough. Sadly, Dr Nelson passed away a few years ago I always like to mention anyone who has a special impact on me during my life).

Migraine is the first chronic condition that I lived with and I know it’s been a long hard road and there surely is a cure somewhere on the horizon and I can only hold on to hope. During a migraine flare talking to me causes me pain and discomfort as does any sound. I make sure no light is near me as it causes intensity of the migraine & symptoms to worsen throughout my entire body. I also have to avoid strong smells as I have sensitivities to smell and it intensify the nausea. Even eating food during a migraine flare is difficult. I know people mean well however even the best intentions  can intensify the situation. Also, you must never try to touch me. The migraine attack causes alldoynia meaning sensitivity to touch and anything that touches me hurts me. I ask people to please leave me alone in the dark and do not disturb as that seriously is the best you can do for me during an attack trust me I will love you for it.

If someone truly cared they would allow me to have a bucket so I don’t have to get up and find my way to a toilet this is a real struggle for me and it really zapps away my energy. I feel very faint so I urge people not to call out to me I can’t hurry out to them and it’s best at this stage I stay where I usually am and not agitate the symptoms.

Chronic Migraine is a neurologic disease there is no cure and again we get dizzy our head always wanting to spin. One day there will be a cure and the researchers and patients will win. Migraine can also cause allodynia where everything hurts to the touch it’s time to make it stop it all gets too much. Migraine attacks all over the body affecting from head to toe I won’t be sorry migraine when it’s time for you to go. Migraine demands eye mask total darkness we have no common ground to be honest I just can’t wait for a cure to be found.

An Estimated 1 billion people worldwide will experience a Migraine. It can be hard at times but I truly believe together we can all make a difference and I know i am not alone thanks to wonderful Migraine community.

Migraine Poem

It invades and initiates take over. It brings it’s friends nausea & vomit to the table. Migraine invites another friend blurred vision. It says it has a loss of appetite and there’s to be no eating for you ladies,gentleman and children. Migraine says You are not being social because  sound is denied entry to your ears. Migraine demands keep you in the dark  and no light is to hit you if it does ah oh the cycle begins again. It decides it will explode in the head and share its friend  intense pain with you . It says sharing is caring but no Migraineur says it cares for a migraine share. It makes the heart race really fast and turns up the temperature aswell it may even bring the cold and a place that feels like hell. It brings along the body sweats,demands medication too It brings many debilitating symp

toms what on earth will you do It gets it’s rhythm pushing bringing pulsating pain does it ever stop? The process goes over and over again

Judith Flanagan advocates for chronic illness, migraine and mental health. She is a published writer in real life: diaries-living with rheumatic disease, contributor in #ipainlivingmagazine #curearthritis crew member for the arthritis national research foundation, @aiarthritis Rep, International Pain Foundation (#ipain) Patient Partner, @clara_health Breakthrough Crew membe, and Wego Health nominee in 2017 for best in show facebook and twitter. She is also a savvy patient and a member of the Savvy Coop.

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