Home Chronic Pain Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

Tips to Improve Your Mental Health

by Barby Ingle
iPain Mental Health Twitter top 50 2019

The mental health of an individual is imperative to a fulfilling life and survival rate in the old age. It is indicative of what you believe, think and your actions in your everyday life. Below are tips to improve your mental health for a lifetime and hope that these little habits might become a motivating factor for a healthy living. Improved mental health becomes an agent to overcome depression, challenges, and hardships of life. People have a misconception that sound mental health is free from mental issues. The reality is contrary to belief. If an individual is mentally strong, there is a greater probability that his life is filled with positive characteristics and ability to cope with the setbacks of life. The key to success here is not the absence of illness but deriving the ways in which it can be tackled effectively, for example, cannabis is more widely recognized to reduce the chronic pain and depression attached to it. Therefore, the wax cartridge is becoming a widely accepted method to consume marijuana as it is a mild form of cannabis consumption.

Talk Positively:

Words coming out of our mouths have specific energy which affects our lives. It is like an echo of your self-image engraved in your mind. Researchers have proved that the way people think about themselves shapes the actions and feelings in their lives. If we disburse negative energy into the world by the virtue of our words, it bounces back to haunt us. Therefore, it is imperative to practice words which motivate you and create a positive self-image in your mind. For instance, you can narrate your failure as a way of learning and improvement. Instead of saying that “I am a loser”, you can change your self-image by giving positive gestures like “It was a learning opportunity and I will get the job again next time.”

Physical Activity:

Involving yourself in an exercise or physical activity produces endorphins which is a mood-boosting and stress relieving agent in your body. It is one of the ways to eradicate anxiety, depression, and stress from your life. A practical solution to adopting a workout routine is to take baby steps and persistently stick to the habits of physical activity. It might include taking a short walk after dinner with your loved ones or taking the stairs instead of an elevator once in a while. Maximum benefits are achieved when you have an outdoor exercise routine. It not only aids your body to produce vitamin D but is also beneficial increasing the serotonin levels in your brain.

Give yourself a Break:

When you have too much of your daily routine and trivial things are stressing you out, the best option is to take a break from this world chaos for a while. Relax so you can have the energy to get back into the game by putting the pieces of the puzzle together. You can increase the supply of oxygen to your brain by taking deep breathing exercises. It will not only reinvigorate your mind but also increase productiveness in your day.

Wonders of Mindfulness:

Mindfulness is a technique of utilizing our energy into managing skillful activities and avoiding unproductive thoughts. It teaches a person to look beyond his self-generated limitations which are counterproductive to his life. It is a way to anchor ourselves with the present and adopting a problem-solving approach. In this way, a person is able to open the locked doors of awareness in his mind by eliminating the negative judgments and ruminating thoughts.

A study conducted by the Learning Resource Center at the University of Virginia has concluded that practicing mindfulness has demonstrated the following benefits:

  1. Reduction in anxiety, depression, and stress
  2. Creating resilience to negativity
  3. Improving satisfaction and well-being
  4. Welcoming the feelings of inner peace and calm

Follow your Passions:

Life is not about endlessly running after the dreams related to your career. It makes you exhausted and drains all your energy out of your soul. Soon everything around you becomes monotonous. Life loses its flavor. So, the best approach is to have an activity which is like food for your soul. Take some time out of your busy routine to paint your wall or learn violin. You might also like to be a gardener for a weekend. These little temptations in your life make you happy and energized to address the real issues of life.


All the power to steer your life into a positive direction is in your hands. Mental Health is directly proportional to the resilience and emotional health of a person. You don’t have to wait for a catastrophic event to change your life in a way that your mental health becomes a priority. Besides, earlier you start adopting positive habits in your life will gradually change your overall views about issues and give you a new direction to achieve productivity.

By Hussan Khan

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1 comment

Susan Smith April 21, 2020 - 11:18 am

More than 100 million Americans live with chronic pain according to the Institute of Medicine. For some people with chronic pain, the worst part about it isn’t the pain itself or the treatments they have to take, but making their friends and loved ones understand how much it hurts. People who have never experienced chronic pain often cannot understand it, especially when it’s caused by an “invisible” condition like fibromyalgia. This lack of common understanding can take its toll on even the most solid of relationships. This is why people with chronic pain must find a way to talk to their loved ones about it so that they can get much-needed support.

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