Home Chronic Pain Tips for Staying Safe and Healthy During Your Senior Years

Tips for Staying Safe and Healthy During Your Senior Years

by Barby Ingle
A Walk In The Park

According to the United States Census, in the next couple of decades, older people are projected to outnumber children for the first time in the country’s history. By 2030, all Baby Boomers will officially be senior citizens over the age 65. As they age into this demographic, one in every five Americans will be of retirement age. By 2035, there will be 78 million Americans 65 and older.

People go through many physical and mental changes in their later years, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy being a senior. In fact, with the right resources and a healthy lifestyle, many people can live well into their golden years while feeling both safe and healthy. Use the following tips to ensure you are one of these people.

Helpful Transportation Alternatives


As we age, our reflexes slow and we are not as reactive as we used to be. Because of this, most seniors no longer belong behind the wheel of a car. How you feel about this is really up to personal preference. While many bemoan the loss of independence, others may relish the fact that they never have to deal with the stress of driving ever again.


Fortunately, seniors can maintain some of their independence with the help of transportation alternatives. People who live in urban centers can take advantage of public transportation options such as the bus or train, but many Americans do not live in areas where public transport is a reliable option. The most convenient option for many people is ridesharing, which is an arrangement where the passenger connects with an owner of a private vehicle via a website or app. The driver then picks up the passenger and charges them a fee per mile to get to their destination. Ridesharing helps alleviate traffic congestion while giving those without cars or licenses a reliable means of transportation.

Medigap or Medicare Advantage?


While Medicare is incredibly helpful for seniors, Plans A and B do not cover many of the medical costs you’re likely to encounter. Both Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans seek to help with the expenses normal Medicare avoids. Figuring out which supplemental insurance is right for you depends on how you prefer to pay for your medical care.


  • Medigap plans (formally called Medicare Supplement Insurance) is used in conjunction with original Medicare to help pay for deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. They have higher premiums overall but help pay for a wider range of out-of-pocket costs.
  • Medicare Advantage plans are alternatives to original Medicare and are bought through private insurers. They often come with additional benefits like prescription drug, dental, and vision coverage. They have lower premiums (some as low as $0 a month!) but can be expensive for seniors who are constantly in and out of appointments.

Healthy Habits for Seniors


Healthy habits help prevent serious illnesses and injuries that seriously affect a senior’s quality of life. Regular exercise is important not just for physical health, but for mental health as well. Even a light workout signals the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. A healthy diet is also important for seniors. Avoiding heavy foods full of salt, fat, and sugar can prevent senior weight gain and the health complications that come with it. Finally, seniors need to be social! Consider joining an organization as a volunteer, signing up for classes at a community college, or spending more time at your local senior center.


As the aging population grows, it’s important for seniors to be informed about safe and healthy choices that will improve their quality of life. Maintain independence and stay safe by foregoing driving and using a rideshare app to connect with drivers. Get the health insurance coverage that is best for you by going over Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans in your area. Finally, pick up healthy habits like exercising, eating well, and staying social for a long, enjoyable life.

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