Home Chronic Pain How To Handle Your Next Move While Having Chronic Pain

How To Handle Your Next Move While Having Chronic Pain

by Barby Ingle

How To Handle Your Next Move While Having Chronic Pain

It can be very difficult to think about making any move when dealing with chronic pain. Whether it’s a physical move to another home, a career change, or just planning the next day while managing chronic pain. But with the right preparation and self-care, moving without compromising your health and well-being is possible. Here are some tips on handling your next move while having chronic pain.


  1. Assess Your Needs


Before making any move, assessing your needs and limitations is important. Make a list of what needs to be done before, during, and after the move. Consider the type of help you need for things like preparing for the move, packing, and loading or unloading boxes and furniture.


Will you require someone to drive if you are unable to do so? What other tasks or challenges do you anticipate while making this move? Once you understand what is required, determine if these tasks can be completed independently or if you need help from family, friends, and professionals.


  1. Make a Plan


Making a plan and timeline can be very helpful when making a move while dealing with chronic pain. Start by creating realistic goals that are achievable within the given time frame. Break down large tasks into smaller chunks so they can easily be completed, and try to prioritize tasks that cannot wait. A well-thought-out plan will help to reduce stress during the moving process and ensure everything runs smoothly.


When creating the plan, be sure to factor in rest and self-care. Make time for adequate sleep, nutritious meals, physical activity (if possible), and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. This will help to maintain your energy levels and keep you focused on accomplishing tasks.


  1. Get Organized


Making a move while dealing with chronic pain can be overwhelming when you are not organized. Take some time to sort through your belongings and decide what needs to go with you to the new home, donate or throw away. This will help reduce stress during the move by eliminating unnecessary items that must be packed and transported.


The organization extends to the actual moving process. Pack items you will need at the new home first and keep them separate from other boxes. This includes toiletries, bed linens, clothes, medications, and any pain management tools or equipment you use.


  1. Hire Movers


If you are physically unable to perform any of the tasks associated with a move, it may be best to hire professional movers. They will handle all the lifting and transporting of items from one place to another, reducing your physical strain and stress. Research different moving companies beforehand, read customer reviews, and compare rates.


Additionally, being honest with the movers about your chronic pain condition and any safety precautions necessary is essential. This will ensure that they handle your belongings safely and provide maximum assistance.


  1. Take Care of Yourself


Moving while dealing with chronic pain can be mentally and physically exhausting. Practicing self-care during this process is important to maintain your health and well-being. To reduce stress during your move, consider delegating tasks and getting help from family, friends, or professionals if necessary.


Also, carve out some time for yourself, whether scheduling a massage, attending a yoga class, or taking a relaxing bath after a long day. These self-care activities will help you stay energized throughout the entire moving process.


  1. Find Assistance


While managing chronic pain during a move, asking for help from family, friends, and medical experts can be handy. You can feel less stressed and have a better experience by talking about your issues and getting help from others.


It’s essential to remember that others can offer emotional and practical support, a friend, a therapist, or even family. Pick someone you feel comfortable confiding in, and do not be afraid to seek their assistance if you require it.


Making a move while dealing with chronic pain doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience. The process can be quite manageable by planning, getting organized, and taking time for self-care. Additionally, don’t forget to seek support from family and friends or professional movers if necessary. With some preparation and understanding of your condition, you can make a successful move while managing chronic pain.


By Brittany Cotton

Published by International Pain Foundation, iPain Blog, Team iPain

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