Home Chronic Pain Free and Easy Self-Care Strategies for Improving Your Health

Free and Easy Self-Care Strategies for Improving Your Health

by Barby Ingle

When it comes to self-care, there are free and easy self-care strategies for improving your health. No one wants to spend too much time (or tons of money). Fortunately, there are solutions to caring for your whole body that don’t require a lot of time or cash. Whether you are experiencing a health scare or are in recovery, here are four ways to work self-care into your routine with ease.

Say ‘No’ More Often

Being selfless and giving is an admirable trait. It’s not ideal for your mental or physical health, however, when you always say “yes” to others. Giving too much of yourself, whether literally or figuratively, can wear you down and sap your enthusiasm for life.

If you find yourself saying “yes” to others — even when you’re not feeling your best — because they need you, it’s worth practicing the word “no” a few times.

Learning to say “no” reduces stress because it allows you to be true to yourself, Psychology Today notes. Putting up a façade is challenging and consumes a lot of energy. When you’re experiencing health struggles of your own, you don’t need to waste energy on keeping up appearances. Say “yes” to yourself more often — take a break, have a night in, indulge in a small you-only gift — and let other people sort out their own problems.

Get Outside to Get Better

It’s true that the sun isn’t always ideal for your skin; in fact, too much sun causes wrinkles, sunburn, and even cell damage. However, UVB wavelengths, which can cause burns, also helps your body produce vitamin D, Paula’s Choice explains. Studies also correlate low vitamin D levels with poor bone health, cancer, and seasonal affective disorder.

If your doctor agrees that a bit of sunlight is safe for you, getting outside for even a few minutes per day can help with your self-care regimen. Fresh air is good for your body, even if you need to rest in the shade while enjoying the great outdoors.

Schedule Time for Things You Love

Even if your schedule is jam-packed, scheduling me-time is crucial. Whether you have five minutes or two hours, schedule time for doing things you love. Especially when daily life is painful or uncomfortable to begin with, it’s often challenging to truly enjoy your free time.

Focus on doing something you love for a set amount of time each day, week, or even month. Commit to yourself and your schedule just as you would for a family or work commitment. Spending time doing something for yourself can help improve your mood and distract you from chronic pain. It’s also an excellent way to get back to the hobbies you love.

The average adult spends approximately 42 minutes per week on self-care. Is six minutes per day really enough time to have a snack you enjoy, check in with a friend you love, or spend time with a pet? Probably! All you have to do is make time for it.

Keep Your Gut Healthy and Happy

Did you know your microbiome can significantly affect your overall health? Your microbiome is the bacteria that make up your gut and the rest of your system. When you have a healthy gut, your internal systems run well.

When you experience lots of stress, suffer from chronic pain, fight illness, or eat the wrong foods, you negatively impact your microbiome. Your body’s essential functions — like immune responses and metabolic processes — begin to wane, and things only get worse.

Gut bacteria can protect your body from infection, keep your skin clear, and help with getting better sleep. Naturally fermented foods are an excellent way to get the “good” bacteria you need. Eating foods like yogurt, raw cheese, garlic, sauerkraut, kombucha, and even dark chocolate introduce healthy bacteria to your gut without irritating your system.

Consider dropping gut-unhealthy foods like dairy, anything with artificial sweetener, fried treats, and overly acidic fruits to make room in your budget for gut-healthy options.

You don’t have to spend any extra money or devote excess time to your self-care routine. All you need is a few minutes’ time, a commitment to yourself and your health, and the knowledge that working on yourself is the best way to improve the world around you.

You can now check your gut health (microbiome) with a easy test from Viome on the race to 2 million tested. (This link takes you to ALL the info about VIOME, gut health & to a special purchase page that gives you an extra $10.00 off the kit). By getting a gut test, you’re not only helping yourself get a clear picture of what’s REALLY going on inside your body and what foods you should enjoy or avoid, but joining some of the biggest names in Wellness, Sports, and Entertainment around the world in helping scientists get the info they need to literally CHANGE THE WORLD!

By Scott Sanders
Regular contributor to iPain Living

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