Home Chronic Pain Tips for a Pain-Free Relocation

Tips for a Pain-Free Relocation

by Barby Ingle
Tips for a Pain-Free Relocation when you have to move. 

Anyone with chronic conditions can benefit from designing a pain-free moving and relocation project. The connection between your psychological state and physical discomfort is genuine. Planning, organizing, and researching is the key to a pain-free moving experience.

  1. Research: Physical discomfort can be minimized by exiting your natural endorphins. Learn about your new environment long before you arrive. Speak to people who live in the area.
  2. Discover details about your new home’s history and culture. Find things to look forward to experiencing; this will motivate you to plan your relocation in the most painless way possible.
  3. Planning: People with chronic pain must learn to pace their activities. Mental planning is a great way to do this because it requires no physical exertion.
  4. Track specific actions until they are completed by the target date. Follow this plan to avoid rushing on moving days. Get someone experienced in relocating to review your project.
  5. Organizing: Reduce common mistakes and avoid unnecessary stress by thoughtful organizing. Since stress is a vector of chronic pain, a well-organized moving plan can reduce this factor.
  6. It would be best to work with compassionate people who understand your condition.
Moving and Chronic Pain, Portable Containers


There are practical aspects to moving when dealing with chronic pain, including how you pack. The containers you select can have a significant effect on your pain threshold. Select a portable storage container design to reduce physical strain.


Here are a few benefits of choosing suitable portable storage containers for your move:

  • Wheels improve mobility and reduce the physical effort needed.
  • The interior should protect items from rust, moisture, and mildew.
  • Storing these containers in temperature-controlled units will extend the life of electronics and other valuables.
  • Portable containers are optimized for packing and shipping.
Managing Chronic Pain, Moving


Eliminate common mistakes during the move by staying organized and meeting deadlines. When you write down a plan in list form, it is easier to implement. Making a checklist is a great way to implement a pain-free relocation strategy.

  1. Inventory: Conducting an inventory is called pre-packing. Make a list for each room, and put similar items in groups. Separate the items you plan to keep from the ones to be donated, discarded, or sold.
  2. Declutter: Place all similar things in the exact location. One part of this area should contain items that will be donated. Another site can include articles to be sold at a yard sale.
  3. Downsize: Set aside a space for things you plan to discard. Toss some of them out every week until moving day. This process can take longer than you think, so please give it time.
  4. Packing schedule: Keep a tight packing schedule to help you refine your organizational strategy. Please be sure to enlist the help of an experienced friend to help move things along or hire a professional. Time management expertise can save you money and time in the end.
  5. Implement the schedule: Draft a checklist of items to complete by a deadline. Start with small things that are easy to assign. For example, you can pack similar items into portable storage containers to be transported to a storage facility. Could you always label these containers?
  6. Organize your contact information: Keep a running list of all the numbers you need during this move. This list will reduce your stress. The list should include utility companies, ISPs, insurance, moving services, post offices, and other providers.
Pain-Free Packing, Letting Go


Letting go of the past is a psychological process that can be used well during any move. After you sort your belongings into significant categories, eliminate a few piles at a time. While doing this, practice letting go of the past represented by many of these items; you will often feel better later.


Start with the ones you never intended to keep. Work your way towards items that evoke feelings of attachment for vague reasons. Letting go of these belongings can lighten your load at the emotional level; however, lighter boxes also save money and reduce your physical burden. Enjoy a fresh outlook on life after your successful move is complete.


Authored by Brittany

Published by International Pain Foundation, Team iPain, iPain Blog

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