Home Chronic Pain The Global Genes RARE Foundation Alliance

The Global Genes RARE Foundation Alliance

by Ken Taylor

We are a global community changing the way the world tackles rare disease. Our partners include nonprofit, government, academic, research, service and industry organizations that believe collaboration is the key to positive change. As GAA partners, we can connect, empower and inspire the rare disease community. The Global Genes RARE Foundation Alliance is a coalition of more than 500 rare disease organizations that believe in the power of collective impact and understand that together, we are more powerful. Foundation Alliance membership provides networking opportunities and effective strategies, tools and resources to help build a foundation’s capacity. Foundation Alliance partners collaborate and exchange best practices to drive better outcomes for the rare disease community.


Global Genes provides hope for the more than 400 million people affected by rare disease around the globe. We fulfill our mission by helping patients find and build communities, gain access to information and resources, connect to researchers, clinicians, industry, government, and other stakeholders, share data and experiences, stand up, stand out, and become effective advocates on their own behalf.

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