How Energy Healing Different From Self-Healing?
While self-healing is when you heal yourself with your personal energy, spiritual energy and will power, energy healing is when someone uses their own energy to heal you. You can think of it like there are millions of people in the world and there are souls among them with extra energy. Sometimes meditation and healing is not the solution like in umbilical hernia in adults, you have to go for surgery. The healing practitioners can use their own energy to heal you; they do it by directing that extra energy into your body for the purpose of healing.
The spiritual practitioner might pray or meditate to learn how to direct his/her personal energy into another person’s aura (the sphere of personal energy and energy that surrounds and penetrates everyone). The aura is like a bubble around all of us, and some people can see it more than others. There is also an emotional, an etheric and a mental aura.
Energy healing:
An article on wiki answers explains: “Any person who is able to do energy healing transfers the energy from their own aura and chakras to another individual’s aura and chakras. It involves a transfer of yogic or spiritual energies from the healer to the client and requires no physical touch, and results in balancing and rejuvenating both the healer’s and the client’s energies.
“Energy healing can address issues of mind, body, or spirit that are believed to be currently causing mental, emotional, spiritual or physical disharmony in the recipient.” When these blockages are removed from an individual’s aura it is said they will feel defragmented and whole again!
Types of Energy Healing:
There are many types of energy healing like Reiki (Japanese), Seichim (native American), Pranic (healing using breathing techniques), Crystal (using crystals to activate your own chakras) and many other modalities.
Self -healing:
Self-healing is a healing practice to heal the body and mind with your personal energy, spiritual energy and will power. This can be done by directing that personal energy into your body for the purpose of healing.
The self-healer might pray or meditate to learn how to direct his/her personal energy into another person’s body. There is also a subtle energy body and a mental body.
Types of self-healing:
There are many types of self-healing like meditation, visualization, relaxation, toning and others. But some of them address common issues such as headaches, bad moods and mental disease.
Self-healing is a very individual practice that depends on your own personal experience and awareness of your body. You can seek expertise from a therapist to learn more about self-healing.
Key differences:
In a healing session, there is a healer and a recipient. A healer transfers their own energy into the recipient’s body for the purpose of healing. Self-healing can also be done when directing your personal energy into your body to heal yourself. On the other hand, in self-healing, there is no one else involved in the practice.
In a typical healing session, there is usually a one-on-one relationship whereas in self-healing, you can be by yourself or do it with others. However there are group meditations where people gather together to heal all at once.
The effects of energy healing and self-healing:
When you receive energy healing, the healer is transferring energy from their own aura and chakras into your body. And when you do self-healing, you are directing your personal energy to your body for the purpose of healing.
You may or may not feel the effects after a session. Some people report feeling weightless and lightheaded which means you might be releasing energies from your own aura. Others might experience deep relaxation, feeling warm and fuzzy inside, increased clarity and so on. So it varies from individual to individual as we all have different experiences with energy healing.
In a healing session, benefits include reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep patterns, increased energy level and a sense of well-being. In a self-healing practice benefits may vary from individual to individual as we all have different experiences with it. Commonly reported benefits are increased ease in achieving meditative states, deeper relaxation after sessions, increased self-awareness and clarity, improved sleep patterns, etc.
Energy healing and self-healing are both beneficial in their own ways. If you wish to try energy healing for the first time, it is advisable to consult an expert with experience in this practice. But if you choose self-healing, always remember that your intention is most important as you direct your personal energy into your body. So make it a practice to be in gratitude and perform self-healing with your best intentions!
Closing thoughts:
In a healing session, there is a healer and a recipient. A healer transfers their own energy into the recipient’s body for the purpose of healing. Self-healing can also be done when directing your personal energy into your body to heal yourself. On the other hand, in self-healing, there is no one else involved in the practice.
In a typical healing session, there is usually a one-on-one relationship whereas in self-healing, you can be by yourself or do it with others. However there are group meditations where people gather together to heal all at once.
Your effects of energy healing and self-healing will vary from person to person as we all have different experiences with it. Some report feeling weightless and lightheaded and increased energy level and a sense of well-being. Others may experience deep relaxation, feeling warm and fuzzy inside, increased clarity and so on.
Note: The following article is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as medical advice.
Author: Laura Watson
Publisher: International Pain Foundation, iPain Blog