Home Chronic Pain How Being Around Animals Helps With Chronic Illnesses

How Being Around Animals Helps With Chronic Illnesses

by Barby Ingle

How Being Around Animals Helps With Chronic Illnesses

Living with a chronic illness can be an arduous journey, filled with physical, emotional, and mental challenges. Fortunately, there is a source of solace and support that can make a remarkable difference in the lives of those facing chronic health conditions: animals.


From the gentle nudge of a dog’s nose to the soothing purr of a cat, the presence of animals profoundly impacts our well-being. Science has shown that being around animals offers many therapeutic benefits, providing comfort, reducing stress, and promoting healing for individuals navigating the complexities of chronic illness.


In this article, we will explore the remarkable ways companionship and interaction with animals can positively influence the lives of those with chronic illness, offering a ray of hope and support in the face of adversity.

The Psychological Benefits of Animal Companionship

The psychological benefits of animal companionship are profound and well-documented. Interacting with animals remarkably reduces stress and anxiety levels, providing individuals with calm and emotional well-being. Animals’ unconditional love and non-judgmental nature create a safe and comforting environment where individuals with chronic illness can find solace and support.


Animals also can remarkably boost mood and improve emotional well-being, as their playful antics and affectionate gestures bring joy and laughter into our lives. Moreover, being around animals promotes social interaction, decreases loneliness, and provides a sense of belonging. Their presence can serve as a much-needed distraction from chronic illness’s physical discomfort and pain, offering moments of respite and relief.


In essence, the companionship of animals provides invaluable psychological support, helping individuals navigate the challenges of chronic illness with greater resilience and positivity.

The Physiological Effects of Being Around Animals

The physiological effects of being around animals are equally remarkable. Research has shown that petting, cuddling, or simply being near animals can have tangible health benefits. One notable effect is lowering blood pressure and heart rate, contributing to a healthier cardiovascular system. The presence of animals has also been associated with enhanced immune system function, making individuals more resilient to illnesses and infections.


Additionally, interacting with animals triggers the release of endorphins, natural chemicals in the body that promote well-being and reduce pain perception. These physiological responses contribute to overall physical health and complement the treatment and management of chronic illness.


Being around animals can be a natural and enjoyable therapy, supporting individuals toward improved well-being and quality of life.

Animal-Assisted Therapy for Chronic Illness

Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a specialized form of therapy that harnesses the healing power of animals to support individuals with chronic illnesses. AAT involves trained animals, such as dogs, cats, horses, or even dolphins, who collaborate with healthcare professionals to improve patients’ physical, emotional, cognitive, and social functioning.


In AAT sessions, skilled handlers carefully select and guide animals to provide targeted interventions. This therapeutic approach has shown remarkable effectiveness in various chronic conditions, including cancer, autism, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and chronic pain.


Animals in AAT sessions can help reduce anxiety, increase motivation, and facilitate social interaction. They create a nurturing and non-judgmental environment that encourages emotional expression and trust. The unique bond between the individual and the therapy animal promotes a sense of comfort, empowerment, and connection, contributing to improved overall well-being and better management of chronic illness.

The Role of Pets in Managing Chronic Illness

Pets play a vital role in managing chronic illness, offering unwavering companionship and support to individuals navigating the complexities of their health conditions. The bond between humans and their pets is a source of immense comfort and solace. Pets provide unconditional love, understanding, and a sense of purpose.


Their presence can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation often experienced by those with chronic illnesses. Engaging with pets in daily routines, such as feeding, grooming, and playing, promotes structure and a sense of responsibility, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals whose lives may feel unpredictable due to their health conditions.


Moreover, pets can sense their owners’ emotional states, offering a unique form of emotional support during challenging times. Whether a dog shows a comforting snuggle or a cat provides gentle companionship, pets become steadfast allies in managing chronic illness, bringing joy, comfort, and a sense of normalcy to their owners’ lives.


Challenges and Considerations for People with Chronic Illness and Animal Interaction

While the benefits of animal interaction for individuals with chronic illness are significant, challenges and considerations need to be considered. Allergies and potential health risks associated with particular animals can pose obstacles for those with sensitivities or compromised immune systems.


Financial considerations, including the cost of pet care, veterinary expenses, and specialized therapies, can also be a barrier for some individuals. Additionally, the physical limitations and energy levels of individuals with chronic illnesses must be carefully considered, as pet care may require additional effort and stamina.


Accessibility is another factor to consider, as certain living situations or mobility limitations may impact one’s ability to have pets or engage in animal-assisted activities.


Individuals with chronic illnesses must assess their needs, consult healthcare professionals, and explore alternative options to ensure that animal interaction is safe and manageable for their specific circumstances.

Strategies for Incorporating Animals into the Lives of Those with Chronic Illness

There are various strategies for incorporating animals into the lives of individuals with chronic illnesses, providing opportunities for interaction and support. One option is volunteering at animal shelters, where individuals can contribute their time and care for needy animals. This allows for a fulfilling and rewarding experience while benefiting from animal companionship’s therapeutic effects.


Another avenue is visiting zoos and aquariums, which provide opportunities to observe and learn about various animals. These visits can be educational and uplifting, offering a chance to interact with nature and experience the wonder of different species.


Additionally, exploring the possibility of adopting a specialized service animal can be transformative. These highly trained animals can provide specific assistance tailored to an individual’s unique needs, such as guiding individuals with visual impairments, alerting them to medical emergencies, or providing mobility support.


Adopting a service animal involves careful consideration, training, and ongoing support, but it can result in a life-changing partnership for individuals with chronic illness.



The profound impact of being around animals on individuals with chronic illnesses cannot be overstated. Whether through the psychological benefits of reducing stress and promoting emotional well-being, or the physiological effects of lower blood pressure and enhanced immune function, animals can provide comfort, companionship, and support.


From the therapeutic power of animal-assisted therapy programs to animal interactions to the persistent presence of beloved pets, the bond between humans and animals offers a unique source of solace and strength in chronic illness.


While challenges and considerations exist, exploring strategies such as volunteering, visiting animal sanctuaries, or adopting specialized service animals can open doors to new possibilities.


Ultimately, incorporating animals into the lives of individuals with chronic illnesses brings joy, purpose, and a renewed sense of hope, transforming their journey into one filled with moments of healing, connection, and resilience.


Published by International Pain Foundation, iPain Blog, Team iPain

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