If you have cancer, you know that treatment revolves around healing the body. You also may know, however, that there is a need to address the effects cancer has on your spirit and mind as well. Practicing self-care can be tricky when you are fighting such a serious disease, but incorporating these healing habits into your routine can do wonders to boost your mood and positivity.
Develop Practices for Dealing With Stress
You already know that stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Stress can even make pain worse. Dealing with stress while you’re being treated for cancer is essential to staying strong and positive through the pain and discomfort. One contributor to stress that may not be widely known is poor air quality. Exposure to dust, mold, dander, and other pollutants can surely make you feel worse. A good way to deal with these pollutants is by purchasing an air filter and regularly changing it.
There are other simple ways to relieve stress every day without adding more to your busy schedule. Take a few minutes for meditation or start a journal. Combating stress is never more important than when you are battling an illness.
Consider the Benefits of Therapy Dogs
Dogs can be our best friends, but they can also be helpful when you are dealing with the negative impacts of cancer. Therapy dogs can provide emotional support, comfort and even healing when in homes and hospitals. If your treatment has left you with a disability or physical limitations, a therapy dog can also help you live a normal life again. Ask around at your treatment center or consult your healthcare provider for more information on whether a therapy dog can make a difference in your life.
Make Your Home Restful
Your body cannot heal without proper rest, but getting comfortable enough to sleep can be challenging for those with cancer. The disease and treatments can leave you with pain and discomfort, making sleep nearly impossible. Yet sleep is even more essential for those with cancer. Make your home as restful as you can by having a loved one help you de-clutter and de-stress the area where you like to sleep. Use comfortable organic fibers, like bamboo, for bedding and pillows. Keep your room dark and add some soft lighting to promote relaxation, and add hints of lavender to relax your mind and body.
Seek Comfort in Connection
When you’re battling cancer, it can be hard to talk to family and friends. You may feel too tired or just too upset to make time for socializing, but maintaining relationships is important for raising your spirits. Try to make time to really connect with your loved ones, and allow them to be there for you when you need help. You could organize a meal train to provide the healthy food and friendships you need to stay strong during this difficult time.
Find Gentle Ways to Exercise Your Body
If you’re feeling pain and discomfort, it may surprise you to know that exercise can help. Even a little bit of activity, like some stretches, a quick walk, or gentle yoga, can help your body produce the feel-good chemicals needed to reduce pain and fatigue. If you can get outside for your gentle workouts, you may be able to boost the positive impact of exercise, but only do what your body and health will allow. It may be wise to consult your healthcare provider to determine what kind of exercise may be right for you or whether a physical therapist may be able to help you get the exercise you need.
Really Address Any Mental Health Effects
All of the self-care steps listed above can help reduce stress and improve your spirit. But if you are struggling with any mental health issues, a common occurrence in cancer patients, you may need additional help. Cancer is a serious illness, and overwhelming feelings of anger, anxiety and depression are often felt by those being treated for the disease. Take steps to reduce stress but also know it’s okay to ask for real help. Ask your healthcare provider for advice on connecting with counselors and support groups that can help guide you through this trying time.
Taking on cancer is tough. It can feel impossible to stay positive and keep your spirit strong when dealing with so much pain and discomfort, but self-care can help. Try gently incorporating healthy habits into your life to reduce stress and keep yourself strong for the fight ahead of you.
By Scott Sanders