Home Chronic Pain Can Intermittent Fasting Assist with Chronic Pain Management?

Can Intermittent Fasting Assist with Chronic Pain Management?

by Barby Ingle

Let’s explore if Intermittent Fasting Assists with Chronic Pain Management. Intermittent fasting involves changing eating patterns by taking short breaks from food and focusing on consuming nutrient-dense foods when the fasting period ends. This approach can reduce inflammation and help the body naturally manage pain. Intermittent fasting has been found to have many health benefits when followed correctly.


  1. Improved Digestion


Consuming larger meals throughout the day can take a toll on your digestive system and leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable even after you’ve finished eating. Taking breaks from consuming food allows your stomach to rest, reduces bloating, and increases nutrient absorption so that your body gets more out of your meals.


Intermittent fasting also has been linked to reduced acid reflux. It helps to balance hormones in your body that control digestion and hunger, allowing you to get back in touch with the natural rhythms of when you should eat and when it’s time for a break – something that is increasingly lost in our fast-paced society.


  1. Improved Metabolism


By using intermittent fasting, your body will learn how to switch between burning glucose and fat more efficiently resulting in improved metabolic outcomes. The body goes through various cellular processes during the fasting window of IF. It treats the food digested with higher nutrient absorption rates, allowing for a better functioning metabolic system.


With IF, you will have increased energy levels and focus as your metabolism recovers from constant meal-time stress. If done properly and with guidance from an expert nutritionist, intermittent fasting can boost your metabolic rate by optimizing digestion and unlocking naturally occurring fatty acids.


  1. Potential Weight Loss


Intermittent fasting has shown promise in losing weight while maintaining energy levels because your body becomes much more efficient in converting and utilizing energy. Additionally, reducing exposure to certain foods can help reset the metabolism and improve weight loss over the long term. Whatever your motivation may be, integrating intermittent fasting into your lifestyle could result in progressive and ultimately successful weight management goals.


  1. Lowers Blood Pressure


Intermittent fasting is a great way to lower your blood pressure naturally. Studies have found that following an IF regimen can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure, improving circulation and thus decreasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Additionally, this dieting has been linked to improved insulin sensitivity, further enhancing its potential for reducing high blood pressure. Though it is still necessary for people with hypertension to observe proper dietary restrictions to keep their BP in check, Intermittent fasting may be a helpful addition to overall health management.


  1. Assists with Chronic Pain Management?


Chronic pain can be debilitating, leaving people struggling to manage day-to-day life. While many treatments are available, one of the most recent trends in pain management is intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting cycles between days with very restricted caloric intake and regular meals cause short periods of dietary stress that can decrease inflammation throughout the body.


Pain sufferers may benefit from having more energy and better concentration during their fasting days because their bodies respond positively to the changes in food intake. By removing food groups or alternating hours of eating and fasting, the body releases a wave of anti-inflammatory agents, which can help to reduce inflammation in the body leading to relief from chronic pain.


Regularly adjusting the cycle of eating and fasting could cause the effects to be further reinforced, allowing the body to maximize its self-healing capabilities over time. Therefore, it is essential for those dealing with chronic pain to consider consulting on intermittent fasting as part of their overall healing plan.


To benefit from this anti-inflammatory effect, however, you’ll need to abstain from food for more than 12 hours at a time; so fasting protocols such as 16:8 (16 hours fasting and 8 hours feeding) are your best bet. However, fasting should never replace professional medical advice and always be done under an experienced physician or nutritionist’s guidance to ensure you are doing this safely.




Intermittent fasting can create lasting change if used in a balanced and healthy way. It can help followers to lose weight, improve cholesterol levels, increase energy levels and even assist with chronic pain. When done correctly, it could lead to better overall wellness and improved quality of life for those who adhere to it. Although there might be some initial difficulty adapting to this type of eating plan, making an effort could improve physical and mental well-being.


Writer: Brittany Cotton

Published by International Pain Foundation, iPain Blog, Team iPain

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