Home Syringomyelia

What Is Syringomyelia

Syringomyelia is a rare disorder in which a fluid-filled cyst forms within your spinal cord. This cyst is referred to as a syrinx. As the syrinx expands and lengthens over time, it compresses and damages part of your spinal cord from its center outward. Consult a doctor for medical advice.


  • A cyst, or syrinx, forms on the spinal cord, where it damages tissue and the nervous system
  • Syringomyelia can affect the body in a multitude of ways
  • These cysts can create chronic pain or impair a person’s ability to feel or sense temperature shifts in their hands, arms, shoulder, or legs


  • Surgery – the goal of surgery is to remove the pressure the syrinx places on your spinal cord and to restore the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid
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