Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction refers to the medical condition that results from the inability of the sphincter to contract and relax in a normal fashion. This may cause obstruction of bile flow resulting in biliary pain and obstruction to the flow of pancreatic juice, which can lead to pancreatitis.
The sphincter of Oddi is a muscular valve that opens and closes. It allows digestive juices, bile, and pancreatic juice to flow properly through the ducts from the liver and pancreas to the small intestine. These digestive juices are needed for digestion.
When the sphincter of Oddi isn’t working properly, it doesn’t open when it should. There is effectively an obstruction at the level of the sphincter, which may be due to fibrosis, inflammation, or elevated sphincter tone. This prevents bile and pancreatic juice from flowing properly to the small intestine, leading to a backup of digestive juices that can cause severe pain in the abdomen.
Experts aren’t exactly sure what causes sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. But they suspect it may be related to microlithiasis (the presence of microscopic stones in the bile) and inflammation of the first section of the small intestine.
It appears that some people are more at risk of developing sphincter of Oddi dysfunction than others. Those most likely to develop sphincter of Oddi dysfunction are people who’ve had their gallbladders removed. Additionally, middle-aged women also might be at an increased risk for the condition.
- Abdominal pain (the most common symptom)
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Chills
- Diarrhea
- For those with severe sphincter of Oddi dysfunction pain, your doctor may recommend a sphincterotomy. During this procedure, you’re either sedated or put under anesthesia. Your gastroenterologist will push a thin endoscopic instrument through your mouth into your small intestine, where your sphincter of Oddi is located, and cut the muscle. Your doctor will also check for any gallstones within the bile ducts.
- Nitrates and calcium channel blockers have been used to help relieve symptoms. These medications can sometimes stop the spasms associated with sphincter of Oddi dysfunction and should be offered first in type III SOD patients before suggesting invasive therapies.
- Pancreatitis Diet
- Prognosis and life expectancy
- That said, with proper treatment or medication, up to 70 percent of people with sphincter of Oddi dysfunction experience long-term relief, depending on the type of SOD.