#NERVEmber #GoOrange
NERVEmber ® brings awareness to conditions that have nerve pain as a symptom. The International Pain Foundation host the OFFICIAL NERVEmber project events each year. Since its inception, tens of thousands of nerve pain patients and organizations have signed on to help promote NERVEmber.
Did you know orange is the international color for chronic pain awareness? In over 150 conditions that do have nerve pain as a symptom, RSD is one of the most painful. Yet this condition is misunderstood, mistreated and often misdiagnosed.
#NERVEmber is International Nerve Pain Awareness Month (including RSD, CRPS, Diabetes, Neuropathy, and more). Each day during the month of #NERVEmber , you can #GoOrange to help bring awareness to a condition with neurological symptoms.
You can bring awareness to conditions like #RSD #CRPS #Diabetes by posting every day with #NERVEmber #iPain #GoOrange. Using these tags will bring awareness to a condition near you.

Visit our store on Zazzle and find the merchandise your looking for to support NERVEmber and the Internaional Pain Foundation.

NERVEmber is officially used to represent Neuropathy Awareness Month, RSD, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, and Diabetes Awareness Month (November) by the International Pain Foundation. The word NERVEmber for this purpose was created by Barby Ingle in Oct. 2009. These awareness activities all started as back in 2007 by the International Pain Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity. As the Neuropathy community and nerve pain awareness movement grew, the awareness activities increased and grew into Nerve Pain Awareness Month or now commonly referred to in the pain community – NERVEmber.
NERVEmber brings awareness to the 150 plus conditions that have nerve pain as a symptom.The International Pain Foundation host the OFFICIAL NERVEmber project events each year. Since its inception, tens of thousands of nerve pain patients and organizations have signed on to help promote NERVEmber.
During the month of November, many people throughout the world come together for the nerve pain community. Events are held. Articles are written. Facebook statuses are updated. Instagram photos are posted. Videos are created and spread online. Proclamations are issued. It is important to remember, that these are all important things that can happen throughout the entire year, not just in November.
2024-2025 TBD
2022-2023 Jessica Legaz
2020-2021 Barby Ingle
2018 – 2019 Glen Shurtz
2016 – 2017 Rachel Smith
2014 – 2015 Julie Johnson
2009 – 2013 Barby Ingle
Reminder: Please feel free to use #NERVEmber in your social media posts and awareness events to raise awareness of RSD/CRPS/Nerve Pain/Neuropathy. This is an awareness movement by the International Pain Foundation. Creating pages titled NERVEmber/Nervember on social media and selling items with the trademarked term NERVEmber® is illegal. We will be addressing this legal matter with those attempting to make money on products and pages not approved by the International Pain Foundation in writing. The only entity that has permission to sell products and create pages for this project is International Pain Foundation. Thank you!

Since the first NERVEmber was launched by IPAIN in 2009, thousands of events have taken place throughout the world. The campaign has reached millions of people and has resulted in a great deal of media coverage. Did you know the color orange is the international color for chronic pain awareness? In the over 150 conditions that do have nerve pain; RSD is one of the most painful conditions. Yet this condition is often misunderstood, mistreated and misdiagnosed. #NERVEmber is International Nerve Pain Awareness Month which includes conditions such as RSD, CRPS, Diabetes, and many more. During the month of NERVEmber the iPain Foundation (@powerofpain) wants you to show us your Orange Life!
Reminder: Please feel free to use #NERVEmber in your social media posts and awareness events to raise awareness of RSD/CRPS/Nerve Pain/Neuropathy. This is an awareness movement by the International Pain Foundation. Creating pages titled NERVEmber/Nervember on social media and selling items with the trademarked term NERVEmber® is illegal. We will be addressing this legal matter with those attempting to make money on products and pages not approved by the International Pain Foundation in writing. The only entity that has permission to sell products and create pages for this project is International Pain Foundation. Thank you!