All in 1 iPain Summit, the International Pain Foundation unlocks power within each attendee to help fulfill lives and successfully manage the treatment for those living with chronic pain.
Thursday, Nov 14, 2019
4pm-8pm – check in, screening and panel discussion of On A Scale of One to Ten Film, and Exhibit Hall access
Friday, Nov 15, 2019
8am-4:30pm – Educational Classes and Exhibit Hall
– Comic Pain Relief Show 6:30pm-10pm
Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019
8am-1pm – Educational Classes and Exhibit Hall
Time: 4:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Exhibit Hall Open – Ballroom C
Exhibitor Hall Open
Time: 4:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Exhibit Hall – Ballroom C
Film Screening & Panel discussion
Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Location: Ballroom D
Topic: Screening; On a Scale of 1 to 10 Film & Panel & presentation of the iPain Community Impact Awards
Panel: Laurent, Jennifer, Barby, Brandy
Presented by: Citrus Pie Media
Friday, November 15, 2019 – Lunch & Learn Only
Time: 9am-4:30pm
Location: Exhibit Hall – Ballroom C
Time: 8:00am
Location: Plateia
Summit Welcome
Time: 8:45am
Location: Ballroom A
Speaker: Ken Taylor
Topic: Welcome and logistics
Update from the International Pain Foundation Board of Directors
Time: 8:50am
Location: Ballroom A
Speaker: Gayle M Taylor-Ford, LSCSW, LCAC of Therapy Services, LLC
Topic: iPain update from our secretary
Scientific Advancements Relating to Treating Pain with A Focus on Infusion Therapy
Time: 9:00am
Location: Ballroom A
Speaker: Raju Poolacherla, M.D.
Topic: Integrating the latest science and advance Research of pain should focus on finding innovative delivery models, treatment, drugs/biologics, and devices. cements related to treating pain through an integrated multidisciplinary and multimodal practice.
Objectives: This will be based on new therapeutic strategies and better mechanistic understanding at molecular and cellular levels. Illustrate new therapeutic strategies emerging in areas such as pharmacotherapy, stem cell therapy, infusion therapies (Ketamine, Lidocaine, IVIg), pain pumps and neuromodulation, Show how pain medicine practice should be patient-centered and multidisciplinary, Follow public health communication strategies to inform patients on how to manage their own pain.
Patient Engagement to Initiate Better Health
Time: 10:00am
Location: Ballroom A
Panel Presenters: Barby Ingle (Panel Moderator), Maggie Buckley, Marni Cartelli, Mia Maysack
Topic: Patient and caregiver tips and tools for navigating the health system for better access to proper and timely care. Identifying the patient journey across the care continuum with interventions encouraging patients to communicate with providers who can proactively address issues and increase positive experiences and outcomes
Objectives: Design a workflow for patients to use prior to arrival; patients receive appointment reminders, educational material, and pre-arrival surveys, Provide sample patients questions that allow their care providers to quickly identify and resolve issues, Patients learn to utilize two-way communication to ask providers questions and stay on the road to recovery.
Cannabis Research Data for Pain Care
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Ballroom A
Presented by: Alon Blatt with NiaMedic Healthcare & Research Services Ltd. is a data and healthcare company offering innovative, multi-disciplinary, medical consultation and research services. Alon Blatt
Topic: NiaMedic is providing advanced integration of proprietary Medical Cannabis treatments with conventional medical care. NiaMedic’s treatment protocols are developed by a team of experts that utilizes its comprehensive research platform in collaboration with a network of leading renowned researchers.
Sponsored by NiaMedic
Time: 12:00pm
Location – Providers: Centennial Ballroom Pre-function Area/Ballroom A/B
Location – Patients/Caregivers/Guests: Centennial Ballroom Pre-function Area/ Exhibit Hall – Ballroom C/D
Lawsuit Protection for Providers
Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Location: Ballroom A
Speaker: Natalyn O. Lewis
Topic: Today, the average business faces an average of five lawsuits in its lifetime; meaning that lawsuit prevention and protection are essential topics for every business owner.
Presented by: Legally Mine USA – Legally Mine is the largest, most respected, experienced, and comprehensive lawsuit protection company in America. We provide specialized consulting, packages and tools to help businesses and practices manage risk.
History, Early Assessment And Intervention of CRPS
Time: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location: Ballroom A
Speaker: Dr. Phillip Getson, D.O.
Topic: History, Supports, Education, and advocacy needs for the rare condition of CRPS
Objectives: Learn the history of rare condition Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Identify CRPS Supports (direct, financial, tool box items) at the community level, Explaining the bio-psycho-social method in the treatment of CRPS, and Advocacy in the public level for CRPS.
Time: 3:00pm
Location: Ballroom A
Speaker: Daniel G. Garza
Topic: This session will review the primary and secondary effects of long-term HIV survival.
Objectives: Attendees will look at how medicine has extended the life of those living with HIV while other diagnoses, such as cancers, diabetes, blood pressure, etc, are discovered and can make surviving a struggle. Q&A session will target how geographical differences can affect how a long term survivor will develop, evolve and reach a better quality of life through mental health, support group, medication, etc.
Time: 3:45pm –
Location: Ballroom A
Speaker: Dr. Nell Smircina
Topic: Acupuncture for Post-Surgical Patients to optimize their recovery, particularly in the area of chronic pain prevention
Objectives: Bridging the gap and understanding the pain cycle, Familiarizing multiple modalities for pain management within Eastern Medicine/acupuncture, Addressing roadblocks to healing.
Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm
Comic Pain Relief *Separate registration required.
Time: 6:30pm-10:00pm
Location: Ballroom A/B
- Orange Carpet Arrival
- Hero of Hope Awards
- Comic Pain Relief Show; Comedians Daniel Garza and Tommy Lama Experience
Time: 9:00am
Location: Ballroom D
Speaker: Traci Patterson, MD, MBA, CH, CI
Topic: Alternative treatment options for chronic pain patients (RSD/CRPS, Fibromyalgia, AMPS, SFN, Neuropathic Pain, etc.) through a personalized, evidence based, non-invasive, drug free treatment option that allows individuals to regain their lives.
Objective: Learn about an outcome and evidence based, non-invasive and drug-free treatment protocol that is helping chronic pain patients gain functional levels and regain their lives. The importance of treating the whole person and individualizing treatment to meet the specific needs of each person.
NUCCA for Pain Relief
Time: 10:00am
Location: Ballroom D
Speaker: Dr. Tymothy Flory, DC, NUCCA
Topic: The life changing impact countless patients, doctors, and students are able to realize as a result of impeccable upper cervical care and the profound healing effects of the NUCCA procedure.
Objectives: Learn about this gentle, non-invasive technique was developed more than forty years ago to create a radical new way of healing that can help restore body balance and perfect health. The focus of the NUCCA work is the relationship between the upper cervical spine (neck) and its influence on the central nervous system and brain stem function. It is this relationship that affects every aspect of human function from the feeling sensations in your fingers to regulating hormones, controlling movement, and providing the ability to hear, see, think, and breathe.
Patient Perspective: A Veteran’s Pain Journey
Time: 12:30pm
Location: Ballroom D
Speaker: Helen Runyan, LCP
Topic: This session will have attendees accompany the speaker down the long road of attempts to gain pain relief. The speaker will shed light for others seeking help for chronic pain, perhaps saving money and time for the attendees
Objectives: Overview of the help available to veterans with chronic pain through the Veterans Administration, Evaluate alternative methods to heal chronic pain, along with the estimated cost of them, Discuss relieving chronic pain through mental health professionals
Addiction and Pain
Time: 1:30pm
Location: Ballroom D
Speaker: Gayle M Taylor-Ford, LSCSW, LCAC of Therapy Services, LLC
Topic: Planning access to treatment typically limited by stigma, underserved geographical locations, underutilized medical settings, outdated service delivery structures, and funding restrictions
Objectives: List genetic and environmental factors, contributing to the influence, development and course of CNCP and addiction, Clinicians will understand CNCP, addiction, and other behavioral health issues to apply services for chronic pain patient with or in recovery from a SUD, Describe the complexities of CNCP and SUDs, patients with these co-occurring, chronic conditions can be treated effectively
Traumatic Brain Injury And Pain
Time: 2:15pm
Location: Ballroom D
Speaker: Gayle M Taylor-Ford, LSCSW, LCAC of Therapy Services, LLC
Topic: Chronic Pain Associated With Traumatic Brain Injury: Causes and Management; Although more than three-quarters of TBI cases are mild with rapid symptom resolution, some people suffer persistent debilitation and pain.
Objectives: Describe the pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury, Discuss appropriate assessment of patients with TBIs, Identify nursing and medical interventions for patients with TBIs
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field & OSKA Pulse
Time: 3:00pm
Location: Ballroom D
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Marksberry, Chief Medical Officer OSKA
Topic: PEMF and Oska Pulse: Non-Drug Pain Relief
Objectives: Understand how Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) boost the body’s ability to repair injured cells to relieve all types of pain. Learn more about clinically proven Oska Pulse and how it uses patent-pending PEMF technology to help relieve pain.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Time: 8:00am
Location: Plateia
Exhibit Hall
Time: 9:00am-1pm
Location: Ballroom C
A Dose of Music; Healing the Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit with Sound
Time: 9:00am
Location: Ballroom A
Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A., C.N.S.T.
Topic: The use of sound in a person’s well-being has historically been a part of traditional Indian culture. Transmitted orally for generations, they were created to be chanted, and equal importance was given to the sound structure as to the actual meaning of the words. People believed that the sound waves from the chanting could cure people of ailments.
Objective: Learn theories of how and why sound therapy does healing work
Craniocervical Junction and its role in Chronic Pain
Time: 10:00am
Location: Ballroom A
Speaker: Jeffrey Scholten, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP, BSc, PgCPain
Topic: Exploring the relationship between chronic pain and dysfunction at relay centers that exist at the junction between the brain and the body.
Objectives: Understanding of the spine-medullary junction and how certain areas are involved in relaying pain perception to the higher brain centers, MRI imaging of disruptions to this area – understanding normal and abnormal, Understanding interventions that are available and how to identify a practitioner that may be able to help.
Systemic Correlates of the TMJ Disorder & Neuroinflammation
Time: 11:00am
Location: Ballroom A
Panel: Dr. Gary Demerjian, Dr. Andre Barkhordarian
Topic: A clinical trial look at the local and systemic manifestations and correlates of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) encompassing the two intertwined facets of translational science – translational research and translational effectiveness – as they relate specifically to TMDs and neuroinflammation
Objectives: Summarize translational research focusing on topics such as the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the trigeminal nerve and trigeminal network system, the manifestations of neuroinflammation in TMDs, and the molecular mechanisms underlying TMDs, Identify the clinical effectiveness of treatment from the perspective of evidence-based dentistry, with careful attention to the critical relationships between dental malocclusions, the signs and symptoms of TMDs, and airway/ breathing disorders, Evaluate interventions to correct for malocclusal conditions that lead to TMDs, with explanations of the ways in which they can ameliorate a variety of local and systemic symptoms involving neuroinflammatory conditions
Cannabis and the Endocannabinoid System; Easing Chronic Pain
Time: 12:00PM
Location: Ballroom A
Panel: Dr. Allan I. Frankel, Amanda Greene, Trisha Hall
Topic: Panel with patients, a Cannabis pain relief expert/business and a healthcare provider, expressing their personal experiences
Objective: Define how discovery of the Endocannabinoid System has impacted pain treatment, Recognize that pain patients are individuals and alternative treatments might work for some, even if they don’t work for you, Study how the Endocannabinoid System works on pain and inflammation
Closing Remarks
Time: 12:50pm
Ballroom A
Ken Taylor
In closing remarks and follow ups
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Using Bioelectric Medicine / Neuromodulation to Erase Pain
Time: 9:00am
Location: Ballroom D
Speaker: MarLeice Hyde, MSN, RN, CTTH
Topic: TMicrocurrent biofeedback therapy; answers what it is, how and why it works and where to start with the goal to engage and enhance the body’s ability to heal itself from the inside out for chronic pain patients
Objectives: Express new microcurrent technologies that are available for chronic pain patients, Accurate diagnosing of the disease to plan for healing, Be able to choose where to go for further information or treatment sessions
Hypnotherapy Being Used By Chronic Pain Patients
Time: 10:00am
Location: Ballroom D
Speaker: Barbara Black, CCH and Vera Stewart-Lutz of Solutions Hypnotherapy
Topic: Presenting on areas including anxiety/stress relief, confidence, self-esteem, fears and phobias, pain management, and habit release
Objectives: Adapting patients’ performance in daily tasks through habit control, Identifying pain management strategies of hypnotherapy, Practice interpersonal skills between the provider and patient
Use Your Mind To Get Fast Relief From Chronic Pain
Time: 11:00am
Location: Ballroom D
Speaker: Brandy Gillmore
Topic: Reaching beyond short lived inspiration and contentedness to create lasting change in pain care
Objectives: Create lasting change examples through an interactive setting with audience participation, Arrange the power of our minds, to define physical or emotional pain to calculate best outcomes of care, Interacting question and answer session to engaging audience to participate
Stem Cell Therapy as a Viable Pain Treatment
Time: 12:00pm
Location: Ballroom D
Speakers: Dr. Mark Berman and Dr. Elliott Lander
Topic: Teach attendees how to take life back from the pain that rules it through this precise treatment
Objective: Explore Promising New Innovations in Medical Science for those suffering from back pain, knee pain, neck pain, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, vascular conditions, any of these and more, Recognizing people who have had their lives changed due to chronic pain, Evaluation provided to all attendees