International Pain Foundation is bringing together professionals from hospitals, pain practices, academic institutions, health companies, state agencies, non-profits, patients, caregivers and all levels of providers. The chronic pain community has never been more ready for solutions and education as it is today. We are excited that the 2020 International Pain Summit will be taking place NERVEmber 14, 2020.
International Pain Summit – NERVEmber 14, 2020
The International Pain Foundation is pleased to announce the 13th Annual iPAIN Summit hosted by the International Pain Foundation. This annual event provides a great avenue for pain education to providers, patients and their caregivers to be educated on multi-modality, holistic, and newest tools for the treatment of chronic pain conditions.

Dr Cie Scott
Dr Cie Scott

New Presenter
Dr Cie Scott,
Dr. Cie Scott has been a spokesperson for countless Fortune 500 companies, many in the health and beauty fields. She has represented and promoted over 150 health and fitness products to consumers on television.
She conducted 20 years of studies and compiled data on dating and relationships, wealth and success, and health and fitness; this lead to sharing her wisdom with the podcast, The Goddess Code. Men and women alike gain easy-to-follow success strategies that work for every aspect of life.
She studied for four years past completion of her doctorate to become a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, licensed Metaphysician and expert in the sciences of the Universe, including Physics and Quantum Physics.
Dr Elliot Landers
Dr Elliot Landers

Elliot B Lander,
M.D. F.A.C.S. is a Board-Ceritified Surgeon. He was born in Los Angeles, California. He graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Occidental College with Distinction in Biochemistry. He attended medical school at the University of California, Irvine. He was a Clinical Assistant Professor of Urology at UC Irvine while in practice in Orange County for five years. During that time he was active in teaching residents and doing research.
Dr. Manasi Murthy Mittinty
Dr. Manasi Murthy Mittinty

New Presenter
Dr. Manasi Murthy Mittinty,
Dr Manasi Murthy Mittinty is a medical trained pain scientist based in Pain management research institute at the Royal North Shore Hospital. She works closely with (inter)national research teams to understand meaning associated with the experience of pain from culture, belief’s perspective. Her research explores mechanistic possibilities of shared psychosocial processes (especially dyadic coping, fear and stigma) and how they influence experience of pain. Her research focuses on harnessing this information in identifying potential treatment points to enhance support networks for patients and their families. Dr Mittinty has contributed to her specialty through her involvement with various international collaborative projects, journal articles, and various conference presentations. She has received numerous awards recognising her leadership including the prestigious Australian Government funded Endeavour Post-doctoral Research Fellowship (2018). She also co-chairs the Sex, Gender and Pain, a special interest group of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) and is an active 2019 Lancet Global Burden of Disease Collaborator for musculoskeletal disease. She is committed to Pain Education and routinely facilitates postgraduate and short courses, educational seminars, and CBT training webinars for health-care professionals.
Dr. Philip Getson D.O.
Dr. Philip Getson

Returning Presenter
Philip Getson, D.O.
Dr. Getson is a family physician in practice since 1976 in New Jersey. He is a locally, nationally and internationally recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and has lectured extensively on the subject. He is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in Neurology at Drexel University Hospital in Philadelphia. Additionally, he completed training for qualification as a Certified Cancer Support Educator from the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education
Dr. Madison Harris
Dr. Madison Harris

New Presenter
Dr. Madison Harris,
Dr. Harris is a licensed occupational therapist specializing in adolescent and adult lifestyle interventions to improve everyday functioning. She also develops and implements rehabilitation programs at UCLA’s BrainSPORT Program and Adolescent Epilepsy Center, and has worked with veterans through the Operation Mend program and the West LA Veterans Hospital. Her aim is to help clients return to work and play, develop healthy routines, establish independence, and live meaningful and active lives.
Dr. Harris provides individualized, client-centered intervention through collaborative treatment sessions, providing services in the office and within the natural environment in order to enable clients to promote their functioning and thrive. She supports clients that have sustained traumatic brain injury—including concussion, epilepsy, stroke, and spinal cord injury—as well as other degenerative neurological conditions. She also has advanced experience working with high-level athletes after injury. Dr. Harris is passionate about helping clients adapt to significant life events such as moving to college, finding jobs after college, retiring from a sport or a long-term career, and/or adjusting to a new diagnosis.
Dr. Harris earned her Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California. Additionally, she completed specialty training in vestibular and eye-movement disorders at Rancho Los Amigos Rehabilitation Hospital, and she is a member of the Vestibular Disorders Association. Dr. Harris has presented her research at neurology and occupational therapy conferences across the country.
At The Integrated Clinic, Dr. Harris provides occupational therapy.
As a therapist, author, speaker, coach, and former yo-yo dieter, Dr. Candice Seti is committed to helping others achieve health and wellness while gaining self-confidence, stopping self-sabotage, and ending their perceived dependence on diets!
Dr Thay Joe Tan
Dr Thay Joe Tan

New Presenter
Dr. Thay Joe Tan,
He is the Founder of TurboAcupuncture® for Instant Pain Elimination and the Founder and Director of one of Europe’s largest physician-led practices for acupuncture based in Stuttgart, Germany, which has been awarded Pain Elimination and Global Doctor Training Center of the Year 2019.
Dr. Tan is the Creator of the T.A.N. (TurboAcupuncture® Navigation) system, which leads like a GPS from the location of pain step-by-step to THE one TurboAcupuncture® point, which will most likely eliminate the pain instantly.
Before starting his own private practice, he was a Senior Resident and the temporary Deputy of the Medical Director of the First German Hospital for Traditional Chinese Medicine, University Hospital at Beijing, University of Chinese Medicine in Kötzting, Germany.
Dr. Tan is the first person outside China who was ever granted the Inherited Master Fellowship of Qi Lu School of TCM for Complex Diseases, one of 64 acknowledged inherited schools of TCM in China.
Dr Nancy Darling
Dr Nancy Darling

New Presenter
Dr. Nancy Darling,
BS, Cornell University, 1981
MS, Cornell University, 1987
PhD, Cornell University, 1990
Adolescent social relations encompass changing relationships with parents and peers, the initiation of romantic relationships, and an expanding social world that includes greater and more unsupervised interactions with the community and a more sophisticated and multidimensional conception of peers.
As a developmental psychologist, my research focuses on how adolescents influence and are influenced by these social relationships and how these different social spheres interact to change the course of individual development. Because many of these processes aren’t amenable to experimental manipulation (they don’t let you randomly assign parental divorce to adolescents to see how it affects them), I have become particularly interested in two different aspects of the study of psychology: contextual variability and research methods.
Dr Lev Gottlieb
Dr Lev Gottlieb

New Presenter
Dr. Lev Gottlieb,
Dr. Gottlieb is a neuropsychologist and UCLA Assistant Clinical Professor. He assesses children, adolescents, and young adults, and coordinates their care. Dr. Gottlieb also offers Cognitive Style testing informing decisions on school, work, teams, relationships, and wellness.
Dr. Gottlieb earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from University of Pennsylvania and Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology from Northwestern University School of Medicine. He completed specialty training in Neuropsychology at Children’s Hospital of Chicago, NYU Child Study Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Kennedy Krieger Institute, The Help Group, and UCLA, where he continues to serve on the clinical faculty.
Dr. Gottlieb has extensive experience providing evaluations and treatment to youth with neurodevelopmental differences and acquired brain injuries, and has published and presented research on these conditions and their treatment as well as on learning, memory, and talent.
Dr. Gottlieb co-founded and manages The Integrated Clinic with Dr. Kuhn.
Dr Candice Seti
Dr Candice Seti

New Presenter
Dr. Candice Seti,
Dr. Seti maintains a very busy private practice in San Diego, CA where she works one-one-one with individuals, helping them understand their maladaptive behaviors and thought patterns, while replacing them with a healthier perspective that allows them to overcome self-sabotage and thrive in the their lives. She also offers services online via video counseling as well as provider numerous do-it-yourself programs addressing weight loss, binge eating, insomnia, and specialty populations like PCOS and menopause.
Dr. Seti helps her patients understand their barriers and achieve success– through behavioral lifestyle, and cognitive changes. Her book, Shatter the Yoyo, provides readers with her unique strategies, tips, and tricks on weight management, that can be incorporated into a long-term healthy lifestyle, instead of a short-term regimen that sets you up to regain weight.
Dr. Seti, aka The Weight Loss Therapist online, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, a Certified Nutrition Coach, a Certified Weight Management Specialist, a Certified Expert Life Coach, a Certified Personal Trainer, and a Certified Insomnia Treatment Clinician. Dr. Seti is a featured contributor to numerous blogs including MyFitnessPal, Aaptiv, and Beachbody and has appeared on FOX 32 Chicago, Las Vegas Morning Blend, CBS 8 Morning Show, NBC Palm Springs, and EHealth Radio Network.
Dr Heather Gilmore
Dr Heather Gilmore

New Presenter
Dr. Heather Gilmore,
Dr. Gilmore is a Scholar and Researcher about Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Professor at Copper Mountain College, Associate Professor at Ashford University, and Faculty at the University of Southern California. Dr. Gilmore received her Bachelor’s degree from Northern Kentucky University, a Master’s degree in Communication Studies from California State University, Los Angeles. Dr. Gilmore received her Doctorate degree from Walden University in Education, specializing in Learning, Instruction, and Innovation. Dr. Gilmore’s dissertation and published research can be found in the Journal of American Educational Research Journal, TechTrends, and the Journal of Social Media in Society. Her research is titled, “Case Study of Learning and Instruction for Members of an Online Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Support Group” has been viewed over 3,000 times and mentioned in several other publications. iPain Featurette YouTube video campaign, for International Pain Foundation, and consults with St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation Division.
Dr. Michael Schatman
Dr Michael Schatman

Returning Presenter
Dr. Michael Schatman
Michael is Director of Research and Network Development for Boston PainCare. He is a clinical psychologist who has spent the past 32 years working in multidisciplinary chronic pain management. He is also currently on the teaching faculty of the Department of Public Health & Community Medicine at the Tufts University School of Medicine. Dr. Schatman is the author of over 100 journal articles and book chapters on various aspects of chronic pain management, and lectures regularly on pain management on local, national and international bases. He is also the editor of Ethical Issues in Chronic Pain Management and Chronic Pain Management: Guidelines for Multidisciplinary Program Development, both of which were released by Informa Healthcare in 2007. Dr. Schatman is a member of the Editorial Boards of numerous journals. For the past 4 years, he has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pain Research. He is the past-Chairperson of the Ethics Special Interest Group of the American Pain Society, is a member of the Ethics Committee of the American Pain Society, the Ethics Council of the American Academy of Pain Medicine, and is on the Board of Directors of the American Society of Pain Educators – which named him 2011 Clinical Pain Educator of the Year.
Dr Carolyn Manard
Dr Carolyn Manard

New Presenter
Dr. Carolyn Manard,
She received her doctorate in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies from Iowa State University. She has her M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, M.S. in Special Education & B.S. in Elementary Education. Dr. Manard has been a school superintendent, special education director, HS assistant principal, MS principal, elementary principal, and special education teacher for 20 years before her career got cut short with the diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia, which led to Chronic Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.
Prior to her illness, she authored several articles, spoke nationally at six education conferences, was featured as an online speaker for the national middle school organization all on educational leadership. Part of Dr. Manard’s dissertation was published in the Journal of Research in Rural Education (JRRE). She and her husband, a retired school superintendent, also published, OMG! Meeting Magic in Education: School Communication to Build Collaborative Family Engagement. Dr. Carolyn and Dr. Brad Manard reside in Colorado and have two young adult sons.
Dr. Manard has been living with Trigeminal Neuralgia for three years and her life has completely been turned upside down. She provides real life understanding of the “Suicide Disease” and the fight to stay positive and to be recognized by the insurance company and Social Security Disability as a disability.
Mia Maysack RN ret.
Mia Maysack RN ret.

Returning Presenter
Mia Maysack, RN ret.
Mia Maysack Holistic Health Practitioner / Wellness Professional lives in Wisconsin. She lives daily with cluster headaches, post-infection chronic mega-migraine disorder, and fibromyalgia. Mia is the founder of Keepin’ Our Heads Up, a Facebook advocacy and support group, and Peace & Love, a wellness and life coaching practice for the chronically ill and is a columnist for Pain News Network.
Barby Ingle, BSc Psyc
Barby Ingle, BSc Psyc

Returning Presenter
Barby Ingle, BSc Psyc,
Barby is the President – International Pain Foundation – Barby is a best selling author, reality personality, and lives with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), migralepsy, endometriosis and other pain disorders. Barby is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, and president of the International Pain Foundation. She is also a motivational speaker and best-selling author on pain topics. Her blog, reality shows and media appearances are used as a platform to help her become an ePatient advocate, and she now travels the country attending healthcare conferences, speaking publicly, sharing her story, educating and advocating for patients across the globe.
Marni Cartelli
Marni Cartelli

Returning Presenter
Marni Cartelli,
Marni worked in the medical profession until an injury on the job lead to getting Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. She came to realize that thanks in large part to my connection to the medical field, I received exceptional and timely care when many others with my condition do not. It has now become my goal to help minimize the disparities members of the disabled community experience in both access and quality of medical services.
Gayle M Ford, LSCSW, LCAC
Gayle M Ford, LSCSW, LCAC

Returning Presenter
Gayle M Taylor-Ford, LSCSW, LCAC
Owner and executive director, Therapy Services, LLC, iPain Board of Directors/Secretary, Member of the Government Relations Advisory Committee for the National MS Society – Gayle received her Masters degree in Social Work in 1999 from Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. She is licensed as a Clinical Social Worker and a Clinical Addictions Counselor. At Therapy Services she performs the duties of the Executive Director and specializes in Traumatic Brain Injury.
Kaci Adams
Kaci Adams

New Presenter
Kaci Adams,
Kaci isn’t a doctor, but sometimes she has to feel like one. The married 43-year-old mother of three has the rare disease Klippel-Feil Syndrome (KFS).
Klippel-Feil Syndrome is an extremely complex disease with many potential symptoms and disease paths. Finding a medical specialist or expert to advise and help with her rare struggle has been difficult.
“I found out a lot about my disease on Facebook,” said Kaci, who lives in Vancouver, Washington. “I do a lot of my own research. I buy books, read articles and do whatever I can to get as much of the best knowledge as I can about myself.”
Klippel-Feil syndrome is a rare bone disorder characterized by the abnormal joining (fusion) of two or more spinal bones in the neck (cervical vertebrae). The specific symptoms associated with KFS vary greatly from one person to another.
Rachel Martens
Rachel Martens

New Presenter
Rachel Martens,
From Alberta, Rachel is an advocate for a life course perspective in disability policy. She works as an engagement officer in childhood disability research.
Jackie Martin
Jackie Martin

New Presenter
Jackie Martin,
Jackie is the founder and Chief Motivational Officer of A Matter of Motivation LLC, a business training and development firm focused on making change happen for your leaders and the individuals they lead. We work tirelessly to help you make your workplace a more connected, effective and profitable place to serve your customers.
For more than 20 years Jackie has provided speaking and training on engagement, communication, leadership and change management, to organizations both nationally and internationally. Jackie is a contributing author to the Insider Tip’s Book Series.
Ross McCreery
Ross McCreery

New Presenter
Ross McCreery
Ross is the founder of CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) Awareness Day in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. This is an initiative designed to educate and raise awareness for CRPS, a rare autoimmune disease which Ross was diagnosed with in 2006. His diagnosis of CRPS was followed a few years later by a secondary diagnosis of Osteoarthritis.
Ross is also involved in initiatives with the Rare Disease Foundation to help establish Peer2Peer support. He is a tireless advocate for research and treatments that he hopes will one day lead towards a cure.
Ana Georgina Guillen Solis, PST
Ana Georgina Guillen Solis

Ana Georgina Guillen Solis, PST
Psicóloga clínica, mexicana, hermana de un sobreviviente al VIH que todo los días vive su dolor , consultora de empresas y especialista en mediación de conflictos , interesada siempre en el desarrollo humano y en apoyar a las personas. Activista en el tema de la violencia contra la mujer en México, participa activamente en la promoción de causas que impulsen el desarrollo de la mujer y la defensa de los derechos de las niñas y las mujeres , impulsora de la participación ciudadana en distintos niveles sociales y políticos para la generación de los cambios que deseamos ver en el mundo.
Mi correo es georginaguillensolis@gmail.com
Jesus Guillen
Jesus Guillen

New Presenter
Jusus Guillien,
Jesus Guillen, is an immigrant, Latino, Gay, Single, 32 years HIV Long Term Survivor, who at the end, even if it sounds corny, is simply a human being who wants to help others, Jesus is one of the founders of one of the older GAY LATINO groups in SF: “AGUILAS”; he is also the founder and administrator of the incredibly diverse HIV LONG TERM SURVIVORS group in social media, with close to 5000 members. At the local level, he is the co-chair of the HIV and AGING workgroup in SF; member of the LTCCC- Long Term Care Coordinating Council- in SF as well.
Jesus Guillen is honored to be the “poster boy” for the Emmy awarded documentary “LAST MEN STANDING”, first and only documentary from the San Francisco Chronicle. Jesus is an independent HIV and Aging consultant who works with agencies, organizations, politicians, pharmaceuticals and anyone who wants to work in the common goal of helping our community, because he believes deeply in “WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER”.
Please watch the documentary “LAST MEN STANDING” following this link for free streaming : AIDS survivors live out lives they never expected to have
Estela Mata
Estella Mata

New Presenter
Estela Mata,
Estela Mata-Carcamo has been working in the healthcare industry for over 28 years, she currently works in IT implementing and supporting Electronic Health Records system for one of the nations leading independent medical groups. She is also the President and co-founder of Looms for Lupus, a nonprofit organization that provides support to those living with Lupus, overlapping conditions, their caregivers and loved ones.
Living with a chronic illness is life changing not only for the individual but also for their loved ones and caregivers. Estela lives with Fibromyalgia and is also a caregiver. Estela alongside her sister Juana have been providing support via in person and virtual support groups in English and Spanish to those living with Lupus, Fibromyalgia and other overlapping conditions via, workshops, social media, and symposiums. They share their stories to empower individuals to be part of their care team, learn about their illness, treatments, clinical trials and connecting with others.
Estela raises awareness, advocates at the local and state level and works with many local and national organizations providing support to the community. Estela is a member of the Lupus Multicultural Task force for Lupus Research Alliance, Member of the Lupus Patient Advisory Councilmembers for Lupus LA, active participant in the 32nd District Mental Health Consortium led by Congresswoman Napolitano, is a board member for Lupus and Allied Diseases Association, Inc., a Strategic Advisor with Rare Empathy and steering committee member for Creating Patient Access Task, LLC.
Estela has a bachelor’s degree in business management with an emphasis in IT. She lives in Baldwin Park, CA with her husband and two daughters.
Ken Taylor
Ken Taylor

Ken Taylor,
iPain Living Magazine Digital Editor, Ken Taylor is a caregiver for his wife who lives with multiple chronic conditions. Ken is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, and founder, Vice-President & Executive Director of the International Pain Foundation. Ken is the CEO and founder of Creating Patient Access Taskforce. He currently serves as an advisor for Johnson & Johnson Generation Care Program since 2019 and is a Dish Network Software Beta Advisor since 2015. He is a licensed sUAS pilot. He is also a motivational speaker and best-selling author on pain topics, graphic designer, and reality tv personality.
Traci Patterson, MD, MBA, CH, CI
Tracy Patterson

Founder of Advanced Pathways, Creator – Holistic Centered Treatment, Dr. Traci Patterson is an internationally renowned clinician, hypnotherapist, patient advocate, and trail blazer. Using her own experience as someone that was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Traci has been instrumental in helping chronic pain patients regain function and regain their lives through her protocol – Holistic Centered Treatment (HCT). Traci’s progressive view of pain control has created dramatic results in improving the quality of life for people who have often exhausted all other options. These results have brought recognition from peers, respect from medical professionals, and gratitude from her clients. Dr. Patterson wrote and illustrated a children’s book in 2019, “Unami the Unicorn: A Story of Enchantment and Healing”. Her latest book, “Stepping Outside the Box: A Journey from Invisible Pain to Invincible Living” is now available via Amazon in both e-book and paperback.
Dr Gary Demerjian, DDS
Gary Demerjian DDS

Gary Demerjian, DDS
UCLA School of Dentistry – Dr. Demerjian currently treats adolescents and adults with tmj/mpd-mayofascial pain disorders using custom fabricated orthotic appliances, myriad of therapeutic techniques and orthodontics. He also treats patients suffering from neurologic disorders with dental management of the disorder through his TMJ treatments. He has published several articles and research papers including how the trigeminal system correlates to neurologic disorders. Since 2004, he has limited his practice to the treatment of TMJ Disorders, Headaches, Facial Pain, Sleep Apnea, Movement Disorders and Orthodontics. Along with two busy practices, Dr. Demerjian also lectures on topics in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and its correlates on neurologic disorders.
Dr Thomas G. Rosano
Thomas G. Rosano, PhD

Dr Thomas Rosano
Dr. Rosano is board certified in forensic toxicology by the American Board of Forensic Toxicologists and in clinical chemistry by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry. For over 35 years Dr. Rosano has been director of Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology at the Albany Medical Center Hospital where in 1993 he expanded toxicology services to include postmortem toxicology services for a 22 county region. During his career at the Albany Medical Center Dr. Rosano has progressed to tenured professor of Laboratory Medicine at the Albany Medical College where he has lectured and mentored medical and graduate students along with residents and fellows. In 2018 Dr. Rosano transitioned to toxicologist and director of the National Toxicology Center at the Center for Medical Science in Albany, New York and was promoted to Professor Emeritus in Laboratory Medicine at the Albany Medical College. His current focus is on pain management and addiction medicine casework and on advancement of clinical and forensic toxicology through innovations in high-volume definitive screening and applications of high-resolution mass spectroscopy.
Anthony & Jen Porro
Anthony Porro

Anthony L. Porro, MBA and Jennifer L. Porro