iPain Living Magazine delivers relevant information on chronic pain challenges, tips, tools and resources that puts pain into context in peoples’ lives. Through medical content, insights from experts and real people, and spotlights on topical news, we answer: how it happened, what it feels like, what you can do about it, and why it matters.

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Use our bookshelf to browse our free magazines in full screen. You may also purchase a print copy of the magazine if you choose. iPain Living Magazine is produced by KB Media and your purchase of iPain Living goes to the International Pain Foundation to support iPain projects. Thank you for your purchase and we look forward to hearing your feedback or suggestions you may have for future articles to publish.
Submit an article for consideration.
Frequency of publication: quarterly
Publishing lead time: 2.5 months prior to print date
Editorial procedures
Review and acceptance process: Editorial staff members review Manuscripts and notify authors within two weeks of receipt. Generally, articles are published within six to 12 months of acceptance. Please notify us in writing of changes to your article or biographical information.
Originality: iPain Living Magazine accepts only previously unpublished, exclusive articles.
Product endorsements: IPAIN LIVING MAGAZINE rejects articles that are advertising a specific product or solution (except for submissions to the “Case Study”). Authors may identify specific products or services but must mention them sparingly within an article about broader content.
Payment: IPAIN LIVING MAGAZINE considers articles contributions to the advancement of the profession, and authors receive full bylined credit and 1 complimentary print copy (USA) of the issues in which their articles appear if requested. All published authors will receive access to the digital version (a digital subscription to the magazine for 1 year).
Author Review: IPAIN LIVING MAGAZINE does not provide galleys or any other edited form of Manuscripts unless major revisions are made. We reserve the right to alter any Manuscript for clarity and adherence to IPAIN LIVING MAGAZINE editorial style. Manuscript submission implies author agreement with this policy.
Submission procedure:
- Send an email containing article to media@internationalpain.org.
- Include: name, address, phone number, email address, title, company and a brief biography with contact information.
- Please submit your article in a .doc or .docx format.
Feature article specifications
Feature article submissions must:
- Article should be about 2,000 words (range: 1,750-2,250).
- Focus on real-world cases, proven strategies and implementable techniques. Include how-to tips, pointers and lists of resources to assist readers in using a similar tool or creating a similar system in their daily living. (Information about your personal situation also will be well received).
- Write in a personal, professional and direct tone, and include practical examples. Ensure that your story is globally focused and easily understandable and relatable for international readers of diverse backgrounds.
- Inclusion of relevant artwork is encouraged. Please provide a short caption for the artwork as well as any photo credits needed. Must be high resolution for print.
Case Study Article Specifications
The IPAIN LIVING MAGAZINE “Case Study” articles are a free editorial opportunity to promote a product or service via a description of a relationship between an organization and a named client.
Case Study submissions must:
- be approximately 750 words in length
- contain at least three direct quotes from a named source (including full name, title and company)
- be organized in a The Challenge, The Solutions, The Results format
- include a detailed explanation of the issues being faced, why the solution was selected and quantitative results after at least a year of service
- be previously unpublished and exclusive to IPAIN LIVING MAGAZINE.
- Along with your “Case Study” submission, please include a high-resolution, color photograph in .jpg format that showcases employees working in a client’s facility or interacting with the product or service.
Lessons Learned Article Specifications
- Features a personal supply chain anecdote.
- Articles should be approximately 750-1000 words and feature a specific supply chain lesson learned.
- Real-world examples are highly encouraged.
iPain Living columnist offer articles on a regular basis and have the nerve to be heard. There content is current, relevant and inspirational. To be considered for a columnist please contact media@internationalpain.org
iPain LIving Magazine Editor, Ken Taylor is a caregiver for his wife who lives with multiple chronic pain conditions. Ken is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, and vice-president of the International Pain Foundation. He is also a motivational speaker and best-selling author on pain topics, graphic designer, and reality personality. Ken received the 2017 iPain Hero of Hope for Pain Patient Awareness and 2017 Health Information Technology Top 100 Influencer. In 2018, 2019, & 2020 Ken was named to the top 50 advocates for the chronic pain community.
Barby Ingle | Chrissy Phillips | Christina Chororos | Ken Taylor | Ross McCreery | Megan Roache

Hope Is True,
Team iPain