Hero of Hope past winners demonstrated an exceptional commitment assisting and advocating for people living with chronic pain diseases. These winners continue making a difference in the pain community with not only there careers and professions but the willingness to #HaveTheNerveToBeHeard. We hope these Hero of Hope past winners have touched your lives and continue to empower, inspire and motivate you to make a difference with somebody in your life looking for power from hope.
Be sure to nominate your Hero of Hope to recognize the great work someone is doing in the pain community. You may nominate more than one of your heroes to be recognized for their great efforts.
Past winners are NOT eligible for future Hero Of Hope Awards.

Melissa Talwar Support Fibro

Mia St John Boxer Advocate Actress

Gayle M Taylor-Ford, LSCSW, LCAC Therapy Services

Uganda Patient Support Org Joise Okello Abwooli iPain Hero Of Hope 2021 Corporate Support

Melanie McDowell Chronic Pain Awareness and Advocacy Award

Dr. Gary Demerjian, 2015

Trudy Thomas, 2012

Mackenzie Bearup, 2009

Dominick Spatafora, 2014

Mrs. Barby Ingle, 2011

Dale Lehn, 2008

Ms. Paula Abdul, 2013

Mary French, 2010

Melanie McDowell, 2007
Caregivers represent service in areas such as nursing, certified nursing assistants, social services, certified medical technicians, therapy, activities, housekeeping, food service and volunteers. We honor these people who give of themselves and make a difference in the lives of those they care for in long-term care.
iPain Foundation presents the Chronic Pain Advocacy Award. The recipient is a pain patient who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to assisting and advocating for people with neuropathy and other pain conditions. This could be within the field of research, education, awareness, or patient assistance.
Corporate Support
This company or corporation is recognized for being innovators & leaders supporting daily living with chronic pain disease conditions. This can be research for daily living aids, drug development, survey data collecting. Creation or distribution of public service announcements videos, animations, graphics and voice overs.
Nerve To Be Heard
Nominations are being accepted for those who Have the Nerve to be Heard. This person is being recognized for bringing awareness to the challenges of living with chronic pain in a national or international spotlight. Nominees could include patient advocates celebrities legislators, professional Olympic athletes, etc.
Nominations are being accepted for journalists or outlets who work in television, radio, magazines or print that cover the many sides of the chronic pain patient journey. This person is being recognized for bringing awareness to the challenges of living with chronic pain in national or international media.
Who Is Your Hero