What is Chronic Functional Abdominal Pain (CFAP)
Functional abdominal pain syndrome (FAPS), also called “chronic idiopathic abdominal pain” or “chronic functional abdominal pain,” describes pain for at least six months that is poorly related to gut function and is associated with some loss of daily activities. Consult a doctor for medical advice. See other conditions with abdominal pain such as Gastroparesis.
- Blood in the stool
- Multiple episodes of diarrhea a day
- Recurrent fevers higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit
- Vomiting
- Waking up at night because of pain or to have a bowel movement
Weight loss
- Anticholinergic/antispasmodic agents or low-dose antidepressants for pain
- Increased dietary fiber such as wheat bran or bulking agents for constipation
- Loperimide or diphenoxylate for diarrhea
- Multicomponent approach is advised, depending on the dominant symptoms, their severity and psychosocial factors
- Psychological or behavioral treatments may help some patients