2023 Arizona County Rare and Chronic Disease Community Presentations

iPain Rare and Chronic AZ Events – Presenter Dr. Steve Fanto, Owner Absolute Rehabilitation, and Pain Medicine – Dr. Fanto is a provider who has been in practice for more than 20 years. He has an excellent connection with his patients and their caregivers. He was swept up in the opioid trials as he primarily dealt with pain medicine as the owner of Absolute Rehabilitation and Pain Management. He was targeted because he knew about pain medication and provided continuing medical education for many other providers. Once they took him out, many other providers in Arizona and other states became fearful of prescribing. He has not been given due process or allowed to continue to practice in full due to opioid phobia and the marketing campaign waged by people placing their moral feelings and transference of the abuse community practices onto the pain management community across the United States. He deserves to be in practice, and tens of thousands of patients and their loved ones would benefit from him having his full license back.

iPain Rare and Chronic AZ Events – Presenter Dr. Evan Espinosa PSY D, – 2023 Arizona County Rare and Chronic Disease Community Event; Espinosa Presentation. van Espinosa, Psy.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in health psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies at Recovia, an outpatient treatment center in Arizona specializing in chronic pain, general mental health, and substance use treatment.